Global News Alert - September 21, 2010


Washington Post- Nine NATO troops are killed in copter crash in Afghanistan by Ernesto Londono

The New York Times- Afghan Boys Are Prized, So Girls Live the Part by Jenny Nordberg

The New York Times- Opposition Sees Gains After Afghan Voting

Agence-France PresseAfghanistan says over 3,000 complaints about vote by Waheedullah Massoud

Christian Science Monitor- Afghanistan elections: Why so few official fraud complaints? by Ben Arnoldy

Associated PressAfghan warlords hedge bets, contest elections by Kathy Ganon 

ReutersPetraeus buys Afghan war time. But how much? by Phil Stewart

The Washington PostContractor helps troops gain conversation skills for war zone by Ian Shapira


BBCPakistan school bus plunges into river killing children by IIyas Khan

Agence-France PresseChina, Pakistan in talks on new nuclear plant by Sami Zubeiri

CNN- 18 dead in political violence in Pakistan

The Washington TimesPakistani identified as al Qaeda top brass by Eli Lake

United Press International- Holbrooke warns of long road for Pakistan

Agence-France Presse- 'US drone strike kills four militants in Pakistan'


NPRSupport For Iraq's Maliki Puts U.S., Iran In Same Camp by Kelly McEvers

The Washington Post- Children of al-Qaeda in Iraq pay for sins of their fathers by Leila Fadel

ReutersRumsfeld to "pull no punches" in autobiography


Associated Press- US hails Iran sanctions, but experts doubt results by Robert Burns

Associated Press- Iran criticizes its diplomats' defections by Nasser Karimi

Associated Press- Iran's paramilitary force gets new missile

International Business Times- Iran says US sanctions meaningless by Amulya Nagaraj


ReutersRare North Korea meeting on Sept 28, eye on succession by Jeremy Laurence

The Washington TimesArmy's future looks a lot like the present by Shaun Waterman

ReutersSomali PM Sharmarke resigns as insurgency rages by Ibrahim Mohamed

ReutersYemen Qaeda claims kidnap of intelligence official

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