Global News Alert - September 23, 2010


FOX NewsPetraeus: U.S. Won't 'Rush' Out of Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times- Afghan commander Massoud, killed on eve of 9/11 attacks, is a national hero by Tony Perry

The Washington Post- Generals in civilian posts were toughest critics of surge, Woodward writes by Greg Jaffe

Politico- Barack Obama firm on Afghanistan timeline by Mike Allen

Associated Press- US IDs 9 Americans killed in Afghanistan crash

Christian Science MonitorAfghanistan election investigators face threats, bribes by Ben Arnoldy

Associated PressTajik army hunts militants in the mountains by Olga Tutubalina

ReutersSlow Afghan progress doesn't alter exit plan -Holbrooke by David Alexander


Agence-France Presse'US runs Afghan force to hunt militants in Pakistan'

Voice of AmericaPakistanis Must Raise More Money to Pay for Floods by Ira Mellman

BloombergPakistan Urging Persian Gulf Loans for Farmers: Islamic Finance by Khalid Qayum

Associated Press- Pakistan dismisses Indian objection to Resolutions on Kashmir


Associated PressGroup of Iraqis deported from Europe return home by Barbara Sur

Agence-France PresseNeighbours call on Iraq to form a govt

Associated Press- Iraqi: Saddam 'delighted' in terror attacks on US by Robert Burns

United PressBaghdad and Kurds battle over oil


Reuters- Iran says nuclear talks can succeed only if fair

Associated Press- Diplomats: Iran seeks seat on UN nuke agency board by George Jahn

The New York Times- U.S. Lauds Russia on Barring Arms Delivery to Iran by David Sanger

Associated Press- Iran says group behind deadly bombing identified

Washington Post- At home, Iran's president faces political battle over efforts to widen his powers by Thomas Erdbrink


The Washington Post- Risk of small-scale attacks by al-Qaeda and its allies is rising, officials say by Peter Finn

The Washington Post- Clashes erupt after fatal shooting of Palestinian in East Jerusalem by Joel Greenberg

Politico- Book reopens Afghanistan CIA debate by Josh Gerstein

Politico- Stanley McChrystal cleared of nasty remarks by Gordon Lubold

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