ISW Global News Roundup - June 23, 2010

June 22, 2010 News Alert                                                            June 24, 2010 News Alert



The Washington Post- McChrystal article renews attention to split with Biden over Afghanistan by Anne Komblut

The New York Times- In Afghanistan, as in Iraq, a New Breed of Commander Stepped In by Dexter Filkins

Agence-France Presse- NATO toll in Afghanistan hits 70 in June

Department of Defense- Corps of Engineers builds Afghanistan National Police Training Center by David Salazar

Los Angeles Times- Lawmakers accuse military of disregarding warnings on payoffs in Afghanistan by Julia Love

Associated Press- Bulgaria to send more troops to Afghanistan

Reuters- Afghan police struggle ahead of U.S. pullout by Michael Georgy

The Guardian- General alarm as Barack Obama summons Stanley McChrystal to the White House by Chris McGreal

Politico- What President Obama, Gen. Stanley McChrystal will say by Mike Allen



Associated Press- Lawmakers: Pakistan Taliban must be blacklisted by Matthew Lee

Agence-France Presse- Pakistan court to announce verdict for US suspects

Boston Globe- Pakistan resolute on Iran gas deal by Sebastian Abbot

BBC- Taliban 'openly raising funds' in Pakistani Punjab by Shehzad Malik



Associated Press- At least 9 Iraqis killed in bombings by Sameer Yacoub

Associated Press- Iraq PM accepts Electricity Minister's resignation

Christian Science Monitor- A bigger threat to Iraq than Al Qaeda? Power cuts by Jane Arraf

Agence-France Presse- Iraq PM urges end to political meddling by regional powers

Voice of America- Former Iraqi PM Confirms Assassination Plot Warning by Edward Yeranian



Voice of America- US Praises Businesses Around World for Cutting Ties With Iran by Lisa Ferdinando



The Washington Post- Adviser to Israel's Netanyahu questions Mideast peace effort, new Iran sanctions by Janine Zacharia

Agence-France Presse- Israel launches spy satellite: defence ministry


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