ISW Global News Update - October 14, 2009

October 13, 2009 Update                                                 October 15, 2009 Update


New York Times - Biden No Longer a Lone Voice on Afghanistan, by Peter Baker

Wall Street Journal - U.K. to Add Troops in Afghanistan, by Alistair MacDonald and Yochi J. Dreazen

BBC News - PM 'to boost Afghanistan troops'

Reuters - Brown Set to Make Statement About Afghanistan

VOA News - Obama: Afghan Troop Decision in Coming Weeks, by Paula Wolfson - How many troops are enough for Afghanistan strategy?, by Ed Hornick

New York Times - In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair, by Sabrina Tavernise

Associated Press - Karzai admits election fraud, by Robert H. Reid

Associated Press - AP: Afghan corruption worries McChrystal, by Lara Jakes

Associated Press - Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe, by Heidi Vogt and Rahim Faiez

Washington Post - Sway Over Afghan Insurgents Proves Elusive, by Joshua Partlow and Greg Jaffe

Washington Times - Droves of recruits to ease burden on troops, by Eli Lake

Washington Post - A Historic Success In Military Recruiting, by Ann Scott Tyson

Reuters - Karzai Says He Would Welcome More U.S. Troops

Department of Defense - Forces Disrupt Terrorist, Drug Havens in Afghanistan

Reuters - Japan To End Afghan Refueling Mission: Defense Minister

BBC News - Japan 'will end' Afghan mission

Associated Press - Japan to end naval refueling mission, by Mari Yamaguchi

Department of Defense - Command Opens Assistance Yark to Help Afghans, by Army Staff Sgt. Marcos Alices

VOA News - Pentagon Denies Report of 'Unannounced' Troops in Afghanistan, by Al Pessin

Times Online UK - Maybe we can buy out way to victory in Afghanistan, says general, by Martin Fletcher

New York Times Blog - Ask John Burns: Reliance on Private Contractors

Times Online UK - Rising clamour for British troops to pull out of Afghanistan, by Peter Riddell and Michael Evans

Christian Science Monitor Opinion - Seven steps to a secure Afghanistan, by Prince Turki al-Faisal

New York Times Opinion - Not Good Enough, by Thomas L. Friedman

New York Times Opinion - The Vietnam War Guide to Afghanistan, by Eric Etheridge

BBC News Opinion - Reasons to back Afghanistan's Karzai, by Mark Mardell

Christian Science Monitor Opinion - The road to stability in Afghanistan runs through Pakistan and India, by Joshua Gross



Washington Post - Safety Regained, Al-Rabie Street Again Teems With Life, by K. I. Ibrahim

New York Times - As Iraq Seeks Oil Investors, They See an Uncertain Bet, by Timothy Williams

Wall Street Journal - Some Oil Firms Now Accept Iraq Terms, Minister Says, by Gina Chon

Associated Press - Iraq: Drought Has Displaced More Than 100,000

Wall Street Journal - British Security Pact Passes, by Gina Chon

Washington Post - Iraqi Politicians Unable to Agree on Election Specifics, by Nada Bakri

Department of Defense - Microgrants Help Iraqi Businesses, by Army Spc. Maurice A. Galloway

Department of Defense - Iraqis Arrest Numerous Terrorism Suspects

Reuters - Suicide Bomber Kills Six Iraq's Diyala Province

Times Online UK - Royal Navy will be allowed back to Iraq, by Oliver August



Wall Street Journal - U.S. Tries to Soothe Pakistan Worries on Aid, by Peter Spiegel and Zahid Hussain

Associated Press - Pakistan: airstrikes killed 9 militants, by Ishtiaq Mahsud

Associated Press - Pakistan Bombs Militants Along Afghan Border

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan Taliban bombing spree could spur backlash, by Ben Arnoldy

Times Online UK - Soviet-era refugee camps are Taleban breeding ground, by Zahid Hussain and Jeremy Page

VOA News - Pakistani Fighter Jets Bomb Militant Hideouts

Washington Post - U.S. Seeks to Ease Pakistanis' Concerns Before Obama Signs Aid Bill, by Karen DeYoung

Long War Journal - Ilyas Kashmiri survived last month's airstrike in Pakistan, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - What's wrong with Pakistan's Army? A former officer's perspective, by Bill Roggio

Wall Street Journal Opinion - Pakistan's Partial War on Terror, by C. Christine Fair

Washington Times Opinion - How to solve the dilemma, by M. Ashraf Haidari

Washington Post Opinion - The Taliban Threat



New York Times - Russia Resists U.S. Position on Sanctions for Iran, by Mark Landler and Clifford J. Levy

Wall Street Journal - No Signal by Russia on Timing With Iran, by Gregory L. White

Washington Post - Russia Not Budging On Iran Sanctions, by Mary Beth Sheridan

Los Angeles Times - Russia balks on tougher Iran sanctions, by Megan K. Stack

Washington Times - Russians send mixed signals on Iran sanctions, by Nicholas Kralev

VOA News - US, Russia: No New Sanctions on Iran Yet, by Jessica Golloher

RFE/RL - Clinton Upbeat On Russia 'Reset' After Moscow Talks, by Gregory Feifer

Los Angeles Times - Iran investigating prominent opposition cleric, by Jeffrey Fleishman and Ramin Mostaghim

VOA News - Iranian Opposition Leader Mehdi Karroubi Facing Court Scrutiny, by Edward Yeranian

VOA News - US House Debates Iran Divestment Measure, by Dan Robinson

Reuters - Iranian Bank Says Not Affected By British Measure

Christian Science Monitor - Could an Israeli air strike stop Iran's nuclear program?, by Dan Murphy

Associated Press - Iranian Seeks Asylum



Associated Press - Pentagon rushes delivery of bunker-busting bomb, by Anne Gearan

AFP - Face-off on Islamic trend, by Samer al-Atrush

New York Times - French Investigate Scientist in Formal Terrorism Inquiry, by Dennis Overbye


Wall Street Journal - Palestinian Support Wanes for American-Trained Forces, by Charles Levinson

Reuters - Israeli Air Strike on Gaza Tunnels Wounds Three


Associated Press - Exploding Shell Caused Blast at Hezbollah Home

North Korea

Wall Street Journal - North Korea Agrees to Flood-Control Talks, by Evan Ramstad

Saudi Arabia

New York Times - Saudis Seek Payments for Any Drop in Oil Revenues, by Jad Mouawad and Andrew C. Revkin

Washington Post - U.S. Sees Saudi Program As an Option for Detainees, by Sudarsan Raghavan and Peter Finn


New York Times - Turkey and Syria Signal Improved Relations, by Sebnem Arsu


Los Angeles Times - In Yemen conflict, number of displaced grows, by Haley Sweetland Edwards

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