ISW Global News Update - October 17-19

October 16, 2009 Update                                                         October 20, 2009 Update


New York Times - A Variety of Sources Feed Into Taliban's War Chest, by Eric Schmitt

New York Times - Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul, by Brian Stelter

New York Times - Decision on Afghan Troops May Wait, by Peter Baker and Sabrina Tavernise

Washington Times - Dems urge patience on Afghanistan, by Tim LoBianco

Los Angeles Times - Questions about Al Qaeda's next move, by Greg Miller

Washington Post - 'Brick Wall' Feared in Afghan Election, by Joshua Partlow

Wall Street Journal - Karzai Backers Take Harder Line on Recount, by Anand Gopal

New York Times - Allies Press Karzai to Accept Election Audit Results, by Sabrina Tavernise and Mark Landler

VOA News - Diplomats Urge Karzai to Accept Election Results

Washington Post - Emanuel says U.S. must gauge viability of government in Kabul, by Joshua Partlow and John Amick

Reuters - Afghanistan Braces For Possible Election Runoff

Washington Post - Flow of terrorist recruits increasing, by Craig Whitlock

Washington Post - U.S. sets its sights on Taliban's 'little T,' by Karen DeYoung

Associated Press - Roadside bomb kills 4 U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times - Key players in the U.S. debate on Afghanistan policy

Washington Post - Military Seeks $1.3 Billion For Projects in Afghanistan, by Walter Pincus

New York Times Blog - From Vietnam to the White House, by James Dao

New York Times Blog - Pt.1: 7 Months, 10 Days in Captivity, by David Rohde

New York Times Blog - Pt. 2: Inside the Islamic Emirate, by David Rohde



Associated Press - Leaving Iraq Ends US Mission Veiled in Ambivalence

VOA News - US Military Cancels Deployment of Army Brigade to Iraq, by Edward Yeranian

New York Times - Iraq Sends 41 of 50 Deported Refugees Back to Britain, by Rod Nordland and John F. Burns

Washington Post - Insurgents Destroy 2 Bridges in Anbar, by Uthman al-Mokhtar

RFE/RL - Bomb Kills Four Iraqi Soldiers in Falluja

Associated Press - Truck Bomb Destroys Key Bridge in Western Iraq

New York Times - Attacker Kills 15 in Iraqi Mosque, by Timothy Williams and Sa'ad Al-Izzi

Department of Defense - U.S., U.N. Urge Iraqis to Finish Election Law, by Jim Garamone

Christian Science Monitor - Twist in Iraq's democracy: anti-American party pushes electoral reform, by Jane Arraf



New York Times - By Air and Ground, Pakistani Soldiers Penetrate Militant Heartland, by Jane Perlez

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Claims Gain In Offensive On Taliban, Matthew Rosenberg and Rehmat Mehsud

Los Angeles Times - Pakistan says 60 militants killed; Taliban says it pushed back troops, by Alex Rodriguez

New York Times - Pakistan Aims Offensive at a Militant Stronghold, by Jane Perlez

Washington Post - Pakistan presses drive against militants, by Karin Brulliard and Haq Nawaz Khan

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Begins Offensive Against Taliban, by Zahid Hussain and Matthew Rosenberg

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan Army takes fight to Taliban in South Waziristan, by Issam Ahmed

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Faces New Wave of Attacks, by Zahid Hussain and Matthew Rosenberg

Times Online UK - Taleban militants put up stern resistance to South Waziristan offensive, by Zahid Hussain

Washington Post - Pakistan Launches Full-Scale Offensive, by Karin Brulliard - Taliban fighters resist Pakistani assault, by Reza Sayah

Reuters - Pakistan Army Launches South Waziristan Ground Assault

BBC News - Pakistan pounds militant targets

Long War Journal - Pakistan launches South Waziristan operation, by Bill Roggio



Wall Street Journal - Suicide Bomb Kills 5 Senior Iran Military Officers, by Farnaz Fassihi

Christian Science Monitor - Iran blames the West for Revolutionary Guard bombings, by Kristen Chick

New York Times - Iran Guard Commanders Are Killed in Bombings, by Michael Slackman

Los Angeles Times - Dozens killed in suicide attack on Iran's Revolutionary Guard, by Jeffrey Fleishman and Ramin Mostaghim

VOA News - Suicide Blast in Iran Kills Top Revolutionary Guard Leaders, by Elizabeth Arrott

Associated Press - Iran Guard Commanders Said to Be Killed in Blast

Long War Journal - Jundallah kills senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commanders, by Bill Roggio

Wall Street Journal - Volatile Sistan-Baluchistan Region Is Base for Insurgents, by Chip Cummins

BBC News - Iran 'retreats' from nuclear deal

VOA News - Iran Will Continue to Enrich Uranium Itself If Talks Fail

New York Times - Iran Frees Reporter Held Since June, by Nazila Fathi



New York Times Opinion - The Power in 11/9, by David Friedman


New York Times - U.N. Council Endorses Gaza Report, by Neil MacFarquhar

Christian Science Monitor - UN vote to endorse Goldstone report increases pressure on Israel, by Joshua Mitnick

Times Online UK - Surge in West Bank support for Hamas, by Marie Colvin


VOA News - Another Mysterious Explosion in Southern Lebanon Panics Residents, by Edward Yeranian

Los Angeles Times - LEBANON: More Explosions rattle southern Lebanon amid accusations of Israeli Spying, by Meris Lutz


Wall Street Journal Opinion - Russia Worries About the Price of Oil, Not a Nuclear Iran, by Garry Kasparov

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