ISW News Roundup - 27 May, 2009

May 26, 2009 Roundup                                                                    May 28, 2009 Roundup


Department of Defense - U.S., Iraqi Forces Detain 4, Find Weapons in Central Iraq

New York Times - State Department Official is Amongst 3 Killed in Iraq, Marc Santora

Los Angeles Times - Army Chief: U.S. Troops Could be in Iraq for 10 Years

Washington Post - In Iraq, Assertive Parliament Emerges Under New Speaker, by Nada Bakri

Department of Defense - Iraqi Air Force Graduates Aircrew, Dedicates New Buildings



Department of Defense - U.S., Afghan Forces Kill 84, Detain 14 in Combat Operations

RFE/RL - Afghans Say Iranian-Made Weapons Seized in Helmand



New York Times - At Least 23 are Killed in Huge Bomb Blast in Pakistan, by Salman Masood

Reuters - TIMELINE: Militant Attacks in Pakistan

BBC - Analysis: Why Attack Lahore?, by Syed Shoaib Hasan

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan's Taliban Rising?  Ask the Women, by Huma Yusuf




VOA News - Iran's Presidential Campaign Heats Up, by Edward Yeranian


Washington Post - Abbas's Credibility Problem, by Howard Schneider

North Korea

Times Online UK -North Korea Threatens War as it Tears Up 50-year Armistice

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