ISW News Roundup - April 13, 2009


Washington Post - An Iraqi City Divided by Walls, by Sect, By Bitterness, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Associated Press - Somber return for 5 soldiers killed in Mosul, Iraq, by Ben Nuckols

Associated Press - US military says soldier killed by roadside bomb attack on convoy south of Baghdad

Washington Times - Iraq has final word on June withdrawal, by Sean Lengell

Associated Press - Easter services return to Iraq, by Katarina Kratovac

Wall Street Journal - Iraq Withdrawal Is on Pace, Top U.S. General Says, by Deborah Solomon

Associated Press - Iraq accuses some media of provoking strife, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra



Associated Press - Afghan government: 22 militants killed in clash, by Noor Khan

Reuters - Afghan villagers say NATO strike killed civilians, by Amin Jalili

New York Times - In Afghanistan, Soldiers Bridge 2 Stages of War, by C.J. Chivers

New York Times Photos - A Changing War

Long War Journal - Taliban assassins gun down female provincial council member, by LWJ Staff

Long War Journal - Al Qaeda's Shadow Army commander outlines Afghan strategy, by Bill Roggio

Department of Defense - U.S., Afghan Forces Kill 32 Insurgents in Southern Afghanistan



Associated Press - Pakistani Taliban urge lawmakers to back Swat deal, by Zarar Khan

Reuters - Pakistani Taliban begin imposing rule in new area, by Zeeshan Haider

Reuters - Pakistani PM says no conditions on U.S. aid

Reuters - Pakistan's Sharif invited back to government, by Kamran Haider

Times Online UK - Pakistani 'terror plot suspects' to be deported rather than charged, by Sean O'Neill, Zahid Hussain, and Michael Evans




Washington Times - Senators target firms doing business with Iran, by Sean Lengell

Washington Times - Fed contractor, cell phone maker sold spy system to Iran, by Eli Lake

Reuters - Vague Russia pledge on no S-300 to Iran: Israelis, by Dan Williams

Somalia Pirates

Washington Post - How SEALs Carried Out Their Mission, by Ann Scott Tyson


LA Times - Lebanon's Hezbollah savors increasing legitimacy, by Borzou Daragahi

BBC - Egypt 'hunts Hezbollah suspects'

Wall Street Journal - Egypt Arrests 49 In Planned Attacks, by Yaroslav Trofimov


Associated Press - 4 soldiers killed in ambush by gunmen in eastern Lebanon, says military official, by Hussein Dakroub

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