ISW News Roundup - December 10, 2008

Iraq Security

Washington Post - Iraq violence at 5-1/2 year low, Petraeus says, from Reuters

Associated Press - Iraqi police arrest 30 in fatal truck bombings, by Robert H. Reid

Defenselink Mil - General Leaving Northern Iraq Notes 'Monumental' Progress, by Donna Miles

New York Times - U.K. Says Most Troops Will Leave Iraq, by John F. Burns

Times Online UK - British forces to start leaving Iraq in March: down to 400 by summer, by Michael Evans


Iraq Politics and Reconstruction

New York Times - Campaigns Get Under Way for Provincial Elections in Iraq, by Alissa J. Rubin

Reuters - Iraq proposes ambitious EU-style regional  grouping, by Ross Colvin

Washington Post - Iraq reporter jailed for homosexuality story freed, by Yahya Barzanji

LA Times - Iraqis applaud charges against Blackwater guards, by Tina Susman and Usama Redha

Reuters - Iraq to restart oil exports to S. Korea Jan 1 - source, by Simon Webb


Pakistan and Afghanistan

New York Times - Pakistan Tries to Curb Militant Group, by Jane Perlez

New York Times - Mumbai Attackers Called Part of Larger Band of Recruits, by Jeremy Kahn and Robert F. Worth

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Arrests 40 in Terror Crackdown, by Matthew Rosenberg and Zahid Hussain

LA Times - U.S. sharpens focus on Lashkar-e-Taiba, by Greg Miller

Washington Post - Pakistan Detains Extremist Leader, by Joby Warrick and Rama Lakshmi

Long War Journal - Jaish-e-Mohammed leader placed under 'house arrest', by Bill Roggio

Rediff News - Hamid Gul: The man who knows too much

AdnKronos - Pakistan: Former spies to be 'declared terrorists' in bid to curb ISI

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Forces Kill Six Afghan Police in Mistaken Attack, from AP

Associated Press - Military seeks new MRAPs for Afghanistan, by Donna Borak

Associated Press - Petraeus: more troops from US for Afghan war, by Frances D'Emilio




Christian Science Monitor - India pressures Pakistan by naming Mumbai suspects, by Mark Sappenfield


Associated Press - Lebanese militant group says leader may be dead


Washington Times - Official stands by Iran nuke report, by Barbara Slavin

Voice of America - Russia: Iran Does Not Have Capability to Build Nuclear Bomb


Washington Post - Israeli Wall Fuels Migration, by Linda Gradstein

U.S. Politics

CNN - 3 Guantanamo detainees withdraw offer to confess

New York Times - Bush Warns Pakistan as He Defense Military Strategy, by Charlie Savage

Associated Press - Criticism of US heard at UN session on terrorism, by John Heilprin

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