ISW News Roundup - December 9, 2008


LA Times - Confusion persists over suspects arrested in Pakistan, by Laura King

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan on tightrope with militant raid, by Mark Sappenfield

New York Times - Pakistan Raids Group Tied to Attacks, by Jane Perlez and Salman Masood

New York Times - Mumbai Terrorists Relied on New Technology for Attacks, by Jeremy Kahn

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Seeks Financial Blacklist for some Pakistanis, by Jay Solomon and Matthew Rosenberg

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Detains Two Lashkar Leaders, Faces Pressure to Deal with Jamaat, by Matthew Rosenberg, Zahid Hussain, and Eric Bellman

Long War Journal - Taliban destroy 50 NATO supply trucks in third attack in Peshawar, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - Pakistan detains Lashkar-e-Taiba plotter of Mumbai attacks, by Bill Roggio

Times of India - Pak rejects India's demand to hand over Dawood, Memon, Masood


Iraq Security

Khaleej Times - Iraqi mayor among 34 hurt by roadside bomb, from AFP

Reuters - U.S. declines to free Reuters photographer in Iraq

Associated Press - Marines faulted for 'MRAP' delays, by Richard Lardner




Reuters - Afghan troop boost will differ from Iraq surge, by Andrew Gray


Christian Science Monitor - Does Hebron clash signal new round of settler revolts? by Ilene R. Prusher

New York Times - 5 Charged in 9/11 Attacks Seek to Plead Guilty, by William Glaberson

U.S. Military

Associated Press - Marines seek to ease strains of war, by Robert Burns

USA Today - Should anthropologists work alongside soldiers? by Dan Vergano and Elizabeth Weise

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