ISW News Roundup - February 19, 2009


Associated Press - Surge troops see combat in Afghanistan, by Jason Straziuso

Times Online UK - Britain 'has no plans' to deploy more soldiers to Afghanistan, by Tom Coghlan

BBC - Troops raid Afghan heroin stash

Reuters - Hit foreign link to heroin, Afghans ask allies, by William Maclean

BBC - Drug abuse hampers Afghan police, by Martin Patience

Reuters - Afghan 2008 opium crop was second biggest: U.N. report, by Peter Griffiths

BBC - US faces fresh Afghan obstacles

BBC - Perils of an Afghan bus journey, by Bilal Sarwary

Reuters - Kabul eyes control on aid, security in U.S. review

BBC - Afghanistan hails 'new US ties'

Reuters - Georgia to send troops to Afghanistan

Reuters - NATO allies offer limp response to U.S. Afghan call, by David Brunnstrom and David Morgan

LA Times - More troops may be needed in Afghanistan, U.S. commander says, by Julian E. Barnes

Reuters - Q+A: Supply routes for Western troops in Afghanistan

Washington Post - 'Sustained' Push Seen in Afghanistan



Washington Post - Pakistani Accord Appears Stalled, by Pamela Constable, Karen DeYoung, and Haq Nawaz Khan

Times Online UK - Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan, by Jeremy Page

Reuters - Pakistani Islamists ask Taliban for peace in Swat, by Kamran Haider

Long War Journal - Analysis: Pakistan peace agreement cedes ground to the Taliban, by Bill Roggio

BBC - Anger at Swat journalist killing, by Syed Shoaib Hasan

Associated Press - Cleric, Taliban leader discuss peace in Pakistan, by Sherin Zada

Long War Journal - Sufi Mohammed 'hates democracy' and calls for global Islamic rule, by Bill Roggio

RFE/RL - Witnesses Say Armed Group Killed Pakistani Journalist



United Press Int'l - Iraq hiring U.S. to rebuild port, by Ben Lando

RFE/RL - Iraqi Kurd Premier Warns of Violence Between Kurds, Arabs

Washington Post - 7 Shiite Pilgrims Die In Crash in S. Iraq, by Ernesto Londono and Zaid Sabah

Reuters - Bush's "icy smile" enraged Iraq shoe-thrower, by Khalid al-Ansary

Associated Press - Soldier confessed killing Iraqi to investigators, by George Frey

Associated Press - Iraqi says he threw shoes at Bush to restore pride, by Sinan Salaheddin

BBC - Tutu urges Obama apology on Iraq

New York Times - New Lessons for the Army on Iraq Duty, by Thom Shanker

RFE/RL - Iraq's Electricity Production Surpasses Prewar Level

RFE/RL - Iraqis Discuss Standards For Mosque Sermons




Associated Press - John Kerry visits Gaza Strip

BBC - Israeli jets strike Gaza tunnels

Reuters - Netanyahu wins backing in Israeli PM contest, by Jeffrey Heller and Ori Lewis


BBC - Syria urges better ties with US

Al Qaeda in North Africa

Reuters - North Africa Qaeda posts photos of Western hostages

Christian Science Monitor - In N. Africa, Al Qaeda offshoot claims six Western hostages, by Jonathan Adams


New York Times - Egyptian Political Dissident, Imprisoned for Years, Is Suddenly Released, by Michael Slackman


Associated Press - Kyrgyz parliament approves US base closure, by Leila Saralayeva

Reuters - Kyrgyzstan shuts U.S. air base, NATO Afghan help sought, by Maria Golovnina


Washington Times - Rehabilitation never tried at Gitmo, by Rowan Scarborough

Washington Times - Freed Gitmo detainee claims torture, by Ayesha Nasir

Arab Press

Washington Times - Headlines from the Arab press

Bin Laden

Reuters - Two professors theorize on bin Laden hideout, by Steve Holland

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