ISW News Roundup - February 22, 2009


Reuters - U.S. and Iraq launch new bid to eradicate al Qaeda

Associated Press - Analysis: Obama faces split opinion on Iraq future, by Robert Burns

Associated Press - US, Iraqi forces launch anti-al-Qaida offensive, by Sameer N. Yacoub

New York Times Blog  - Abu Ghraib, by Stephen Farrell and Baghdad Bureau

New York Times - Fresh Paint and Flowers at Iraqi House of Horrors, by Sam Dagher

Associated Press - Iraqi lawmaker accused in parliament suicide blast, by Sinan Salaheddin



Reuters - Pakistan to allay U.S. fears on pact with Islamists, by Zeeshan Haider

Associated Press - Pakistan Agrees to Taliban Truce, by Sherin Zada

New York Times - Taliban Truce Seems in Flux in Pakistan, by Jane Perlez and Ismail Khan

Long War Journal - Taliban kidnap senior Swat official, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - Pakistani Taliban say Swat ceasefire to be reviewed, by Junaid Khan

Associated Press - Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror, by Asif Shahzad

Times Online UK - Into a Taliban wasteland of blood and fear, by Daud Khattakis



Reuters - U.S. forces kill 13 Afghan civilians in air strike

LA Times - Obama's biggest challenges in Afghanistan, by Julian E. Barnes

New York Times - Obama Upholds Detainee Policy in Afghanistan, by Charlie Savage

New York Times - U.S. Concedes Afghan Attack Mainly Killed Civilians, by Richard A. Oppel Jr.

Washington Post - Image Problem in Afghanistan, by Pamela Constable

Associated Press - 14 militants killed in southern Afghanistan, by Noor Khan




Reuters - Netanyahu says can work with Obama for peace, by Jeffrey Heller

Times Online UK - Defence chiefs urge hawk Netanyahu to strike deal with Syria, by Uzi Mahnaimi


Reuters - Iran conducts tests at Bushehr plant this week

Associated Press - Iran to begin operation of 1st nuclear power plant, by Nasser Karimi

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