ISW News Roundup - February 25, 2009


Reuters - Uzbeks, Turkmens agree to NATO Afghan transit

Associated Press - Reports: Uzbekistan, NATO reach Afghanistan deal, by Jim Heintz

Reuters - Blast kills 4 U.S. coalition troops, Afghan civilian

Reuters - Canada probes whether blast killed Afghan children

Reuters - Afghans brave poor security to register vote, by Jonathan Burch

LA Times - The Bookseller of Kabul responds, by Laura King

Long War Journal - Afghan National Army: February 2009 Update

Associated Press - 28 militants killed in volatile Afghan south, by Noor Khan

Associated Press - Roadside Bomb Kills Four U.S. Troops And One Civilian in Southern Afghanistan, by Heidi Vogt

Department of Defense - On the Ground: U.S. Forces Help Afghans Combat Winter Weather

LA Times - Brother-in-law of Al Qaeda operative granted bail, by Christine Hanley



Associated Press - Taliban extends truce in Swat, by Chris Brummitt

New York Times - Strikes Worsen Qaeda Threat, Pakistan Says, by Eric Schmitt and Jane Perlez

Reuters - Afghanistan, Pakistan declare new trust in U.S. talks, by Paul Eckert

Long War Journal - Taliban, Pakistani Army declare ceasefire in Bajaur, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - Taliban waging 'jihad to purge Pakistan' - Zawahiri, by Bill Roggio

Associated Press - Pakistan court bars opposition leader from office, by Zarar Khan



Associated Press - Officials: U.S. out of Iraq in 18 months

LA Times - Compromise on Iraq withdrawal timeline appears near, by Julian E. Barnes

Washington Post - Obama Expected to Set Date for Iraq Pullout, by Ann Scott Tyson and Anne E. Kornblut

LA Times - Gunmen in police uniforms kill U.S. soldier, Iraqi in Mosul, by Tina Susman

Washington Post - U.S. Soldier Killed as Two Iraqi Policemen Fire on Troops in Mosul, by Sudarsan Raghavan

LA Times - In Iraq, a homeless family's plight furrows brows, by Monte Morin and Caesar Ahmed

RFE/RL - Britain Refuses To Publish Cabinet Record Of Iraq War Decision

RFE/RL - Immunity Lifted Of Iraqi Deputy Sought For Murders

Associated Press - Terror-linked Iraq lawmaker returns mid-flight, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra




Associated Press - Iran says it now runs more than 6,000 centrifuges, by Nasser Karimi

Reuters - U.S. navy says no sign yet of new Iran naval bases

Times Online UK - Tehran begins test run of nuclear plant despite weapons fear, by Tony Halpin

Reuters - Iran says no slowdown in its nuclear work

LA Times - Iran presidential campaigns off to early start, by Borzou Daragahi

Washington Post - Student Protestors Arrested In Iran, by Thomas Erdbrink


Washington Times - Tribunal to seek Syria's help, by Betsy Pisik

Times Online UK- Four Lebanese generals 'to be handed to UN for Rafik Hariri tribunal', by David Charter

Associated Press - Diplomats: Syria puts missile facility on hit site, by George Jahn

New York Times - Syria Discloses Missile Facility, Europeans Say, by William J. Broad


Reuters - Israel bombs Gaza tunnels after rocket attacks

Associated Press - Palestinians seek $2.8 billion to rebuild Gaza

Reuters - Fatah frees 40 Hamas prisoners in West Bank: lawmaker

North Korea

Associated Press - SKorea says NKorea is likely to fire missile, by Kwang-Tae Kim


Associated Press - Top official: upgrading Russian nuclear forces is top military priority, by Vladimir Isachenkov

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