ISW News Roundup - February 27, 2009


Reuters - Afghans protest against foreign troops, by Sayed Salahuddin

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Afghanistan

Reuters - U.S., Afghans, Pakistanis plan regular 3-way talks, by Paul Eckert and Andrew Gray

Reuters - U.S. will boost supplies for Afghan force, by Andrew Gray

Reuters - Blast kills 3 British troops in south Afghanistan

Long War Journal - Afghan Police Update: February 2009, by CJ Radin

Department of Defense - New Roads to Open Up Eastern Afghanistan Province, by Fred W. Baker III

LA Times - Afghanistan's defense minister warns against U.S. pullback, by Peter Spiegel

Associated Press - Afghans protest alleged NATO gunshots in mosque, by Heidi Vogt and Amir Shah

Christian Science Monitor - Despite opposition, Afghan Christians worship in secret, by Danna Harman



Associated Press - Sharif backers protest ruling, by Stephen Graham

Associated Press - Pakistan police battle opposition supporters, by Munir Ahmad

BBC - Sharif ban adds to Pakistan turmoil, by M Ilyas Khan

Reuters - India, Pakistan officials meet after Mumbai raid

Reuters - Pakistan navy unsure if Mumbai gunman went by sea

Washington Post - Clinton Praises 'Valuable' Talks, by Karen DeYoung

Associated Press - US aid effort under fire in Pakistan border area, by Stephen Graham



Associated Press - Officials: Obama sets Aug. 2010 as Iraq end date, by Ben Feller

Reuters - Obama to end combat operation in Iraq by August 2010, by Ross Colvin

Washington Post - Democrats Assail Plan For Pulling Out Troops, by Anne E. Kornblut and Paul Kane

Reuters - Obama seeks $205 billion for Iraq, Afghan wars, by Tabassum Zakaria and Andrea Shalal-Esa

Times Online UK - Britain admits rendition of terror suspects, by Francis Elliott and Michael Evans

Associated Press - Army: Enemy fire caused copter collision in Iraq

Associated Press - Soldier testifies Iraq shooting was self-defense, by Kristin M. Hall

New York Times - Iraq Hands Death Penalty to 28 Cultists for Attacks, by Campbell Robertson

Reuters - U.S. troops to leave Iraq responsibly, safely: Rice

New York Times - Iraq Withdrawal Plan Gains G.O.P. Support, by Peter Baker

Associated Press - US soldier dies on combat patrol in Baghdad

Washington Post - Former Iraq Insurgent Please Guilty

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - Madam, Your Perfume is Divined, by Anwar Ali




Reuters - Iran slams Obama government at U.N. by Louis Charbonneau

Associated Press - US will seek to end Iran's nuclear ambition, by Edith M. Lederer


Reuters - IAEA urged to impose "special" inspection on Syria, by Mark Heinrich


Associated Press - US-China resume military ties, top officer says, by Christopher Bodeen


Associated Press - Abu Sayyaf back to terror, by Jim Gomez


Reuters - Clinton faces tough task in mending Russia ties, by Sue Pleming


LA Times - Fatah, Hamas begin reconciliation talks, by Noha El-Hennawy and Richard Boudreaux

New York Times - U.S. Helps Palestinians Build Force for Security, by Ethan Bronner

BBC - Despair and rage among Gaza's youths, by Heather Sharp

Christian Science Monitor - After Gaza war, a harder coexistence for Jews and Arabs, by Joshua Mitnick

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