ISW News Roundup - January 12, 2008

Israel-Hamas Conflict

Haaretz - IDF begins redeploying reservists into Gaza as part of ground op, by Anshel Pfeffer and Amos Harel

Washington Times - President Bush overrules Rice on Gaza, by Betsy Pisnik

Washington Post - Blair Says Mideast Cease-Fire Elements in Place, by Griff Witte

Christian Science Monitor - What's the endgame for Israel and Hamas in Gaza? by Illene R. Prusher

BBC - Israelis 'edge into urban Gaza'

LA Times - Battered by Israel, Hamas faces tough choice, by Jeffrey Fleishman and Rushdi abu Alouf

New York Times - Israeli Troops Push Into Gaza City, by Steven Erlanger and Ethan Bronner

New York Times - Crisis Imperils 2-State Plan, Shifting a Balance, by Matthew Slackman

Wall Street Journal - Israeli Troops Press Deeper Into Gaza City, from AP

Reuters - Lebanon U.N. force find explosives outside base


Iraq Security

Defenselink Mil - Combined Iraqi, Coalition Forces Seize Weapons in Baghdad, from AFPS

Washington Post - Bombs kill at least seven in Baghdad, from Reuters

Washington Post - Bombs aimed at security forces kill 9 in Baghdad, by Hamid Ahmed

BBC - Spate of bomb attacks in Baghdad

BBC - Iraqis 'capture leading militant'

Wall Street Journal - Bombs Kill at Least Nine in Baghdad, from AP

Washington Post - U.S. Troops Uneasy as Rules Shift in Iraq, by Ernesto Londono

Christian Science Monitor - As US withdraws, will Al Qaeda in Iraq find new openings? by Tom A. Peter


Iraq Politics

Associated Press - Vice President-elect Joe Biden arrives in Iraq

Associated Press - Iraq backs down from election code requirement, by Kim Gamel

LA Times - More Iraq parliament members pull out of Sunni bloc, by Kim Yoshino and Ali Hameed

New York Times - Iraqi Lawmakers Delay Naming a New Speaker, by Alissa J. Rubin


Afghanistan and Pakistan

Washington Post - Inexplicable Wealth of Afghan Elite Sows Bitterness, by Pamela Constable

Associated Press - Biden: US will help fight terror in Afghanistan, by Fisnik Abrashi

Long War Journal - Taliban assault military base in Mohmand, by Bill Roggio

LA Times - Afghan militants cross into Pakistan in bold attack, by Laura King

Wall Street JournalPakistani Forces Kill 40 Taliban in Battle, by Zahid Hussein

New York Times - 46 Die in Taliban Attack on Pakistani Troops, by Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Pir Zubair Shah

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