ISW News Roundup - January 30, 2009

Iraqi Provincial Elections and Security

Washington Post - Iraqis Stake Hopes on Election, by Anthony Shadid

New York Times - Iraqi Elections Face Crucial Test in Violent Mosul, by Ian Fisher

Christian Science Monitor - A momentous vote in Iraq after years of war, by Jane Arraf

Associated Press - Iraq in lockdown on eve of provincial vote, by Hamid Ahmed

Voice of America - Bomb Kills 3 Iraqi Policemen a Day Before Provincial Elections

Associated Press - Iraqi city of Mosul key electoral battlefield, by Kim Gamel

BBC - Tight security before Iraq polls


Associated Press - First black Iraqi runs in elections, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Associated Press - Sunni political voice gets tuned for elections, by Hamza Hendawi

New York Times - Iraqi Women Vie for Votes and Taste of Power, by Sam Dagher 

Wall Street Journal - Iraqi Police Impose Curfew in Mosul Ahead of Elections, from AP

New York Times - Three Candidates Are Killed in Iraq, by Alissa J. Rubin

Washington Post - Three Sunni Candidates Slain Days Before Elections, by Zaid Sabah and Qais Mizher


Reuters - Plastered in posters, Iraq's Basra waits for polls, by Mohammed Abbas

Reuters - Spotlight on vote-buying on eve of Iraqi ballot, by Waleed Ibrahim

Washington Post - Tens of Thousands Vote Early in Iraq

Associated Press - Official: New initiative for Iraqi students, by Hadeel Al-Shalchi

Associated Press - Blackwater: We will leave Iraq if US orders it, by Mike Baker

New York Times - U.S. Looks for Blackwater Replacement in Iraq, by James Risen and Timothy Williams

LA Times - Iraq pulls Blackwater security firm's license, by Monte Morin


LA Times - AP Interview: Iraq encouraged by US reassurances of no quick withdrawal of American forces, by Edith M. Lederer


Afghanistan and Pakistan

Voice of America - Holbrooke Plans First Trip as Afghanistan-Pakistan Envoy, by David Gollust

Defenselink Mil - Afghanistan Troop Buildup a 'Delicate' Endeavor, Spokesman Says, by Gerry J. Gilmore

Voice of America - Pakistan Arrests 9 Terrorism Suspects

BBC - Mumbai 'not planned in Pakistan'

Washington Times - Security concerns delay vote, from AP

Long War Journal - Pakistani PM: Most of tribal areas 'cleared of the terrorists', by Bill Roggio

Times Online UK - Pakistan envoy suggests India faked Mumbai transcripts, by Jeremy Page

LA Times - Afghanistan sets date for presidential election, by M. Karim Faiez and Laura King

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan tackles Swat, a key militant area, by Issam Ahmed

New York Times - Afghan Presidential Election Delayed, by Dexter Filkins

 Reuters - Iran seeks U.S. Afghan pullout: Mottaki

Voice of America - Analysts Say Mumbai Attacks Show Rise of Strategic Terrorism, by Catherine Cannon


Israel-Hamas Conflict

LA Times - U.N. makes $613-million appeal for Gaza, by Richard Boudreaux

Associated Press - Hamas dispenses politics along with aid to Gazans, by Karin Laub

Reuters - Egypt to host $2bln Gaza reconstruction meet on March 2

Reuters - France says Israel blocks water equipment for Gaza

Reuters - Senior Hamas leader in first showing since Gaza war

Washington Post - Turkish Premier, Israeli President Clash at Davos, by John Daniszewski and Matt Moore

Reuters - Turkish PM returns to hero's welcome after Gaza row, by Paul de Bendern




Washington Post - Writings Offer Look at Administration Debate on Iran, by Glenn Kessler

Reuters - Iran cleric to Obama: Don't repeat Bush's warnings

Wall Street Journal - ElBaradei Urges U.S., Iran to Meet, by Marc Champion

Times Online UK - U.S. pours cold water over hopes of Iran deal, by Tom  Baldwin

Washington Times - Ex-Defense chief met with Tehran aide, by Nicholas Kralev and Barbara Slavin

War on Terror

Christian Science Monitor - Obama redefines war on terror, by Howard LaFranchi and Gordon Lubold


Times Online UK - Google Earth: Don't blame us for terrorist attacks, by Mike Harvey

Reuters - Failed British suicide bomber jailed for life

U.S. Military

Washington Times - Army's recalled armor failed tests, by Sara A. Carter

LA Times  - Guantanamo judge defies Obama, by Carol J. Williams

U.S. Envoys

BBC - US 'actively seeks' Mid-East deal

Washington Post - U.S. Removes Kashmir From Envoy's Mandate; India Exults, by Emily Wax


Reuters - Russia and Cuba seal new partnership at Kremlin, by Michael Stott


Reuters - Somali parliament to elect new president, by David Clarke

Defenselink Mil - Kenyan Government Agrees to Try Pirates Seized by U.S. Forces, by Gerry J. Gilmore

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