ISW News Roundup - January 31, 2009

Iraq Provincial Elections

Washington Post - Iraqis Stream to the Polls Amid Tight Security, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Reuters - Iraq voting ends without attacks, by Wisam Mohammed and Peter Graff

Washington Post - For Prominent Iraqi Cleric, a Test of Influence, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Reuters - Iraqi PM and U.N. hail peaceful Iraq election, by Aseel Kami and Missy Ryan

LA Times - Iraq election: Last-minute campaigning in Najaf, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha

Associated Press - Facts about Saturday's Iraqi election

Associated Press - Major political forces in Iraqi elections

LA Times - IRAQ: Voices from Iraq's provincial elections

Washington Post - Iraqis Stake Hopes on Election, by Anthony Shadid

Washington Times - Iraq tightens security on eve of election, by Brian Murphy of AP

LA Times - Iraq elections: Security tight for provincial vote, by Tina Susman

Reuters - Mortar shells near Iraq voting centers, no one hurt

Washington Post - US says 2 Iraqi police dead in shooting, from AP

LA Times - US says American soldiers kill 2 Iraqi policemen near Mosul, from AP

LA Times - Iraq's Sunnis turn toward the ballot, by Ned Parker

Washington Post - In Book, Insider Recounts Hunt for Hussein's Weapons, by Colum Lynch



Reuters - New Afghan security unit to police dangerous areas

Reuters - New U.S. strategy needed in Afghanistan: Oxfam, by Jonathan Burch

Reuters - U.S. eyeing plan for fifth brigade in Afghanistan, by David Morgan

Reuters - The other Guantanamo, by Sanjeev Miglani



North Korea

Washington Times - Power struggle suspected in N. Korea, by Andrew Salmon


Long War Journal - Former Islamic Courts Leader elected president of Somalia, by Bill Roggio


Reuters - Egypt installing cameras, sensors at Gaza border


Reuters - U.S. will not renew Blackwater contract in Iraq

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