ISW News Roundup - July 2, 2009

July 1, 2009 Roundup                                                                     July 3-6, 2009 Roundup


New York Times - Insurgents Hail Pullout of Troops From Cities, by Campbell Robertson

New York Times - U.S. Withdrawal From Cities - Iraqis' Reaction, by Alissa Rubin, Abeer Mohammed and Durain Adnan

Washington Post - Iraqi Politicians of All Stripes Laud U.S. Pullout, by Tim Cocks and Khalid al-Ansary

Associated Press - Iraq Shiite Cleric Hopeful About US Pullback, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Washington Time  - Saddam Denied al Qaeda Ties Till the End, by Eli Lake

Reuters - FBI Says Saddam's Weapons Bluff Aimed at Iran, by JoAnne Allen

VOA News - FBI Releases Details of 2004 Talks With Saddam Hussein

Washington Post - Hussein Pointed to Iranian Threat, by Glenn Kessler

Wall Street Journal - Biden in Iraq to Talk About Political Progress, Visit Troops, by Gina Chon

Christian Science Monitor - Biden Back in Iraq - With New Assignment, by Jane Arraf

Reuters - Biden Makes Visits to Baghdad

Washington Times - Biden Makes Surprise Trip to Iraq, by Christina Bellantoni

Reuters - Iraqi Soldier Killed by Bomb in Baghdad

Reuters - Iraq Brings Forward Second Oil Sale, by Missy Ryan

VOA News - French Prime Minister Visits Iraq to Talk Business, by Edward Yeranian

RFE/RL - Workers in Iraqi Kurdistan Getting U.S. Training



Associated Press - U.S. Launches Major Offensive in Afghanistan, by Jason Straziuso

New York Times - U.S. Marines Try to Retake Afghan Valley From Taliban, by Richard A. Oppel

Reuters - U.S. Marines Fan Out in Big South Afghanistan Assault, by Peter Graff

Times Online UK - Massive US Assault to Seize Taleban Heartland, by Tom Coghlan

Reuters - Marines Told to Make History in South Afghanistan, by Peter Graff

VOA News - Massive US Offensive Targets Taliban in Southern Afghanistan, by Catherine Maddux

Los Angeles Times - On the Afghanistan Frontier, Change May be at Hand, by Laura King

RFE/RL - U.S. Marines, Afghan Forces Launched Major Offensive in Helmand, by Abubakar Siddique

Reuters - U.S. Marines Launch Assault in S. Afghan Valley

Wall Street Journal - American Soldier Feared Captured in Afghanistan, by Yochi J. Dreazen

Associated Press - American Soldier Feared Captured in Afghanistan, by Fisnik Abrashi

Reuters - U.S. Soldier Believed Captured by Afghan Insurgents

VOA News - US Soldier Believed Captured in Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times - American Soldier Believed Captured in Afghanistan, by M. Karim Faiez and Laura King

Reuters - U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Arouse Curiosity, by Peter Graff

Washington Post - No Limit in Place for Pending Request on Troops in Afghanistan, by Ann Scott Tyson

Christian Science Monitor - US Operation Aims to Smooth Road for Afghan Elections, by Ben Arnoldy

Associated Press - A Look at Poppy Production in Southern Afghanistan

Department of Defense - Stavridis Becomes First Admiral to Head NATO Military Operations

Washington Times - Taliban Buying Children For Suicide Bombers, by Sara A. Carter



Associated Press - Bombs Against Pakistan Police, Govt Workers Kill 8, by Zarar Khan

Reuters - Pakistan Re-Deploys Some Forces for U.S. Afghan Push

AFP - Former Taliban Eyes Afghan Presidency, by Sharif Khoram

New York Times - At Least One Killed in Rawalpindi Suicide Bombing, by Salman Masood

New York Times -In Refugee Aid, Pakistan's War Has New Front, by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah

Long War Journal - Pakistani Army Rejects North Waziristan Operation, by Bill Roggio




Reuters - Iran Hardliners Urge Legal Action Against Mousavi, by Hossein Jaseb


VOA News - Amnesty Report Accuses Israel of Wanton Destruction in Gaza, by Luis Ramirez

North Korea

New York Times - North Korea Test-Fires 4 Short-Range Missiles, by Choe Sang-Hun

Reuters - North Korea Ups Tension with Short-Range Missiles, by Jack Kim and Miyoung Kim

Department of Defense - North Korean Missile Launch 'Not Unexpected,' Official Says, by Samantha L. Quigley


VOA News - Russian War Games: More Than Saber-Rattling?, by Judith Latham

Associated Press - Medvedev is 'Hopeful' for Obama Summit


AFP - Somalia, Iraq Most Dangerous for Minorities: NGO

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