ISW News Roundup - July 28, 2009

July 25-27, 2009 Roundup                                                       July 29, 2009 Roundup


New York Times - In Battle, Hunches Prove to be Valuable, by Benedict Carey

New York Times - U.S. Defense Chief Visits Iraq, by Elisabeth Bumiller

VOA News - US Defense Secretary Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq

Associated Press - Defense Secretary Gates Arrives in Iraq, by Ann Gearan

Reuters - Gates in Iraq, Says U.S. Urban Withdrawal Going Well, by Jim Wolf

BBC - US Praises Iraq's Security Gains

BBC - US Troops Back on Patrol in Iraq, by Gabriel Gatehouse

Wall Street Journal - Iraqi Kurds Split by Regional Vote, by Charles Levinson

Reuters - Incumbents Ahead in Iraq Kurd Vote, but Challenged, by Shamal Aqrawi

AFP - Kurd Opposition Party Eyes Big Gains in Iraq Vote, by Abdel Hamid Zebari

RFE/RL - Viable Opposition Emerges in Iraq's Kurdish Region Elections, by Ron Synovitz

Associated Press - Turkey Urges Iraq to Stop Kurdish Rebel Attacks, by Selcan Hacaoglu

AFP - Six Killed in Iraq Violence

Associated Press - Audit Finds Contractor Oversight Improving in Iraq, by Lara Jakes

Reuters - Iraq Starts Privatization Drive, but Progress Slow, by Mohammed Abbas

Reuters - UN Backs "Alternative" Iraq War Reparation Schemes, by Louis Charbonneau




New York Times - Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder, by Richard A. Oppel Jr.

Associated Press - Karzai Would Talk with Taliban, by Robert H. Reid

New York Times - Bomb Kills 8 Afghans Escorting NATO Convoy, by Taimoor Shah and Alan Cowell

BBC - Mapping Operation Panther's Claw

Los Angeles Times - 7 Arrested in North Carolina on Terrorism Charges, by Josh Meyer

Washington Post - Seven Face Terrorism Charges in N.C., by Carrie Johnson and Spencer S. Hsu

Christian Science Monitor - Seven North Carolinians Charged in Terror Plot, by Warren Richey

Reuters - Donkeys, Guns and Trucks - Elections Afghan-Style, by Paul Tait

AFP - Nine Killed as UN Urges Taliban Not to Scupper Vote, by Charlotte McDonald-Gibson

Reuters - Afghan Insurgent Tolls Not Needed, U.S. Military Says

AFP - Italy Denies Plans to Pull Out of Afghanistan

ABC News - TRANSCRIPT: Holbrooke: We Have 'Enough Troops' in Afghanistan, by Nick Schifrin



New York Times - Police Officer is Found Beheaded in Pakistan's Swat Valley, by Pir Zubair Shah 

Wall Street Journal - Islamabad Tells of Plot by Lashkar, by Zahid Hussain

Reuters - Pakistan Rescues Boys Trained as Suicide Bombers, by Augustine Anthony

New York Times - Landowners Still in Exile from Unstable Pakistan Area, by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah

Reuters - Holbrooke Seeks More EU Support for Swat Refugees, by David Brunnstrom

Long War Journal - Pakistan Strikes Taliban Camps in Khyber, by Bill Roggio

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan Says India's Nuclear Sub Threatens Regional Peace, by Huma Yusuf

Wall Street Journal - Singh Defends Effort to Improve Ties With Pakistan, by Ketaki Gokhale and Paul Beckett

BBC - Rifts Emerge Over Tackling the Taliban




New York Times - Scores Die as Sect Fights Nigeria Police, by Adam Nossiter and Sharon Otterman


New York Times - Gates Says U.S. Overture to Iran is 'Not Open-Ended,' by Elisabeth Bumiller

Wall Street Journal - U.S., Israel Divide on Iran Nuclear Program, by Yochi Dreazen

Washington Times - U.S.-Israel Gap on Iran Narrows, by Joshua Mitnick

Associated Press - Khamenei Closes Prison Where Protestors Were Held Over Abuses

Washington Times - Ahmadinejad Struggles With Crisis of Authority, by Barbara Slavin

VOA News - Iran to Release 140 Post-Election Detainees


Reuters - Hezbollah Sees Progress on Lebanon Government


Wall Street Journal - U.S. Woos Damascus by Easing Export Ban, by Jay Solomon

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