ISW News Roundup - July 30, 2009

July 29, 2009 Roundup                                                                  July 31, 2009 Roundup


New York Times - U.S. Adviser's Blunt Memo on Iraq: Time 'To Go Home,' by Michael R. Gordon

Associated Press - Gates Eyes Early Exit for Some Iraq Troops, by Anne Gearan

Associated Press - Iraq: Ruling Parties Keep Power in Kurdish Vote, by Yahya Barzanji

Associated Press - Ruling Parties Win Majority in Kurdish Elections, by Yahya Barzanji

Reuters - Iraq Kurds Keep Parties in Power, Opposition Gains

Los Angeles Times - Iraq Says Raid on Militant Group's Camp Wasn't Iran's Idea, by Liz Sly

Wall Street Journal - Iraq to Close Iranian Exiles' Camp, by Charles Levinson and Peter Spiegel

Associated Press - Iraq: 6 Iranian Exiles Killed in Clashes at Camp

New York Times - Explosions in Iraqi Political Office Kills at Least 5, by Timothy Williams

BBC - Deadly Bomb at Iraq Party Office

VOA News - Iraq Bombing Targets Political Party Office

New York Times - Britain Says it Fears 2 Hostages in Iraq are Dead, by John F. Burns

Reuters - British Minister Says Likely Hostages Dead in Iraq

Los Angeles Times - Iraq in throes of Environmental Catastrophe, Experts Say, by Liz Sly



VOA News - More US Troops May Be Needed in Afghanistan, Says Pentagon Advisor, by Al Pessin

Los Angeles Times - U.S. Shifting Drones' Focus to Taliban, by Julian E. Barnes

Reuters - Britain and U.S. Defend War Effort in Afghanistan

BBC - Bomb Tests Aid Troops in Afghanistan

Reuters - Taliban Vow to Disrupt Afghanistan Election, by Sayed Salahuddin

AFP - Taliban Call for Boycott of Afghan Polls, 'Jihad,' by Nasrat Shoiab

AFP - Campaigning Karzai Makes Security Priority, by Sardar Ahmad

Reuters - Afghanistan, Russia Top Challenges for New NATO Head, by David Brunnstrom

VOA News - Britain Will Stick with Afghan Combat Mission, Says Envoy, by David Gollust

New York Times - Spain is Open to Bolstering Forces in Afghanistan, by Victoria Burnett and Rachel Donadio

Reuters - Afghan, Pakistan Leaders Discuss C. Asia Security, by Roman Kozhevnikov

Washington Times - Taliban Field Manual: A Kinder, Gentler Militant?, by Claude Salhani

Associated Press - Former Danish Leader to Take Over as NATO Chief, by Slobodan Lekic

VOA News - NATO Secretary General Hands Over Reins, by Jennifer Glasse



Christian Science Monitor - Holbrooke Casts Doubt on Success of Pakistan's Swat Valley Offensive, by Liam Stack

Associated Press - US Officials Warned Pakistan on Taliban Spillover, by Robert Burns

Department of State - Special Briefing on July 2009 Trip to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Brussels

New York Times - Pakistan Injects Precision into Air War on Taliban, by Eric Schmitt

Long War Journal - Anti-Taliban Tribal Militia Leader Assassinated in Pakistan's Northwest, by Bill Roggio

Department of State - The Humanitarian Crisis in Pakistan, by Eric P. Schwartz

VOA News - US Officials Urge More Help for Pakistan's Internally Displaced, by Michael Bowman

AFP - US Disappointed by Paltry Pakistan Aid, by Shaun Tandon

Reuters - Threat Forces UN to Scale Back in SW Pakistan 




New York Times - Nigerian Troops Storm Sect Compound, by Adam Nossiter and Alan Cowell

Associated Press - Islamist North, Oil-Rich Delta are Fronts of Tension, by Njadvara Musa and Michelle Faul 


Department of Defense - U.S.-Turkish Relationship 'Exceptionally Strong,' Mullen Says, by Gerry J. Gilmore

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