ISW News Roundup - June 12, 2009

June 11, 2009 Roundup                                                      June 13-15, 2009 Roundup


Wall Street Journal - Path Clears for Passage of War-Spending Bill, by Naftali Bendavid

Reuters - Iraq Parliament Sunni Leader Killed at Mosque

Associated Press - Iraq: Senior Sunni Lawmaker Killed Outside Mosque

Reuters - Head of Iraqi Parliament's Sunni Bloc Killed

New York Times - Sunni Lawmaker Assassinated in Iraq, by Campbell Robertson

Los Angeles Times - 5 U.S. Contractors in Iraq Cleared in Colleague's Killing

Associated Press - Marines Will Come out of Iraq by Spring 2010, by Lolita C. Baldor

AFP - US Marines Out of Iraq by Spring 2010: General

New York Times - Abuse Photos Part of Agreement on Military Spending, by Carl Hulse and David M. Herszenhorn

Associated Press - Appeals Court Blocks Release of Detainees Pictures, by Larry Neumeister

Department of Defense - Iraqi, U.S. Forces Detain Three in Northern Iraq



Wall Street Journal - Commander Maps New Course in Afghan War, by Peter Spiegel

New York Times - U.S. Commander in Afghanistan is Given More Leeway, by Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt

Reuters - NATO Ministers Back Shake-Up in Afghan Command

Christian Science Monitor - US General Heads to Afghanistan to Develop New Strategy, by Arthur Bright

New York Times - U.S. Gains More Control as It Fights Afghan War, by Stephen Castle

New York Times - Dispute Over Afghan Deaths in Strike, by Adam B. Ellick

Associated Press - Afghanistan to Take Part in U.S. Strategic Review, by Jason Straziuso

VOA News - US Commander in Afghanistan to Review Strategy to Reduce Civilian Casualties

VOA News - US Commander Wants Civilian-Military Approach in Afghanistan, by Al Pessin

BBC - US 'to Protect Afghan Civilians'

Reuters - Afghan Insurgent Violence Accelerates in 2009

Los Angeles Times - U.S. Fighting an Information War in Afghanistan, by David Zucchino



New York Times - Some in Qaeda Leave Pakistan for Somalia and Yemen, by Eric Schmitt and David E. Sanger

Long War Journal - Taliban Continue Mosque Attacks, Strike in Lahore and Nowshera, by Bill Roggio

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Army Faces Test Beyond Swat, by Matthew Rosenberg

New York Times - Moderate Cleric Killed in Pakistan, by Sabrina Tavernise

Reuters - CIA Chief Says Bin Laden in Pakistan

BBC - Bin Laden 'is still in Pakistan'

Washington Post - Hearts on the Line in Pakistan, by Ahmed Rashid

Associated Press - Suicide Bombers Strike Pakistan Mosque, Seminary, by Barbar Dogar

VOA News - Two Blasts Hit Pakistani Cities

Associated Press - Fighting Intensifies in Pakistan's Northwest

Long War Journal - Fighting Intensifies in Pakistan's Bannu-Waziristan Region, by Bill Roggio

VOA News  - US House Approves Pakistan Aid Measure, by Dan Robinson

Washington Post - For Pakistanis, a Fight Against Their Own, by Griff Witte




VOA News - Iran's Election at a Glance

New York Times - Crowded Polls After Hard-Fought Iran Election, by Robert F. Worth

Reuters - Iranians Vote in Droves in Election

Washington Times - Iran Votes on President, Ties to West, by Iason Athanasiadis and Barbara Slavin

Times Online UK - Ahmadinejad Challenger Demands Access to Polls as Iran Election Gets Under Way, by Martin Fletcher and Philippe Naughton

VOA News - Bushehr Nuclear Plant Expected to Open Soon, by Jeffrey Young


Washington Times - Netanyahu Yields on Palestinian Sovereignty, by Eli Lake

Los Angeles Times - Obama's Resolve on Mideast Facing a History of Blunt Reality, by Richard Boudreaux


VOA News - Libya's Gadhafi Lashes Out at US, by Sabina Castelfranco


Reuters - Russia Snubs U.S. Call to Consider Hosting Radar

VOA News - Gates Hopeful of Missile Defense Progress at US-Russia Summit, by Al Pessin

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