ISW News Roundup - June 18, 2009

June 17, 2009 Roundup                                                           June 19, 2009 Roundup


New York Times - Iraqi Arrested in Shooting of Lawmaker, Campbell Robertson and Abeer Mohammed

Associated Press - Iraq: US Soldier Charged in Death Waves Hearing

Reuters - Iraqi Foreign Minister Says Ahmadinejad, by Yoko Kubota

Department of Defense - Iraqi Forces Lead Efforts to Capture Terror Suspects

Washington Times - Baghdad Still Dangerous Ahead of U.S. Withdrawal, by Richard Tomkins

BBC - Iraq Probe 'May Be Partly Public"

Associated Press - Iraqi Committee to Investigate Prison Abuse, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Wall Street Journal - Iraq Has Muted Reaction to the Iran Election Result, by Gina Chon 

RFE/RL - Some in Kirkuk Fear Kurds Will Replace U.S. Forces

RFE/RL - Iraq Apprehension As U.S. Pullback Looms, by Richard Tomkins



 Wall Street Journal - Pentagon Plans Training to Cut Airstrike Deaths, by Yochi J. Dreazen

AFP - Afghanistan's Karzai Defends Choice of Vice-President

Department of Defense - Afghan Forces Confiscate Opium Cache, Capture Taliban Commander

Washington Post - A Karzai Victory Is Just the Ticket for Regional Commanders, by Griff Witte

BBC - US 'to Improve' Afghan Training

Associated Press - Bicycle Bomb Kills 2 in Southern Afghanistan, by Noor Khan

AFP -Violence Kills Four in Afghanistan



Reuters U.S. Drones Kill 9 in Waziristan: Pakistan Officials, by Augustine Anthony

BBC - Air Raid 'Kills Nine' in Pakistan

New York Times - Pakistan Says U.S. Drone Kills 13, by Pir Zubair Shah

Long War Journal - Pakistani Military Facing Tougher Fight in Northwest than Reported, by Bill Roggio

Times Online UK - Pakistan Tries to Turn Tribesmen Against Taleban Leader with Trade Blockade, by Jeremy Page and Rehmat Mehsud

New York Times - Pakistan's 'Invisible Refugees' Burden Cities, by Sabrina Tavernise

New York Times - E.U. Expands Relationship with Pakistan Through Aid, by Stephen Castle

Washington Post - Cleric's Slaying Signifies a Shift, by Pamela Constable

Reuters - Displaced Push Pakistani Communities "to the Limit." by Robert Brisel




Christian Science Monitor - Would a President Mousavi Bring Reform to Iran?, by Arthur Bright

New York Times - Panel of Clerics Offer Talks with Iranian Opposition, by Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell

VOA News - Iran Opposition Holds Mourning Rallies

Reuters - Iran Protesters Find Support in L.A. Media Outlets, by Alex Dobuzinkis

New York Times - An Insider Turned Agitator Is the Face of Iran's Opposition, by Robert F. Worth

Reuters - Iran Opposition Figure Arrested in Hospital: ally

Times Online UK - Iran Regime Arrests Ailing Reformer Ebrahim Yazdi in Hospital Bed, by Jenny Booth, Marin Fletcher, and Ella Flaye

New York Times - Stark Images, Uploaded to the World, by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone

VOA News - Obama Administration Denies Interfering in Iranian Affairs, by David Gollust

North Africa

New York Times -Somalia Bombing Said to Kill Official, by Mohammed Ibrahim

Associated Press - Somalia's President Says al-Qaeda is Behind Attack

Reuters - Insurgent Ambush Kills 24 Algerian Police: Report, by Christian Lowe and Lamine Chikhi


Reuters - ElBaradei, Israel Clash Over Syria Probe "Bias," by Mark Heinrich

VOA News - Clinton, Israeli Counterpart, Clash Over Settlements, by David Gollust


Reuters - Suspected Saudi Militant Surrenders in Yemen: Paper

VOA News - Saudi Al-Qaida Suspect Surrenders in Yemen

Christian Science Monitor - A New Base? Al Qaeda Rises in Yemen, by Laura Kasinof

North Korea

Reuters - N. Korea's Weak Trade, Currency Hit More at Onetime, by Lucy Hornby

VOA News - Report: North Korea May Launch Missile Towards Hawaii

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