ISW News Roundup - June 25, 2009

June 24, 2009 Roundup                                                            June 26, 2009 Roundup


Department of Defense - Increased Violence Expected as U.S. Troops Leave Iraqi Cities, by Donna Miles

Reuters - Angry Iraqis Demand Protection from Bombings, by Muhanad Mohammed

VOA News - Violence Rocks Iraq as US Prepares to Withdraw from Cities

Times Online UK - Security Fears Over US Pullout as Market Bomb Kills More than 60 in Baghdad, by Alice Fordham

Reuters - Roadside Bomb Kills at Least Seven in Iraq

Washington Times - Iraqis Rebuilding Lives in War-Torn Areas, by Richard Tomkins

Washington Post - In Iraq, a Different Struggle for Power, by Anthony Shadid

VOA News - Pentagon Expects Growing Violence in Iraq, by Meredith Buel

Los Angeles Times - Baghdad Bombing Kills at Least 78, Injures 145, by Saif Hameed and Ned Paker

CNN - More Killed in Iraq as U.S. Nears Combat Troop Exit

RFE/RL - Iraq Bombing Meant to Rattle Authorities as U.S. Pulls Out, by Breffni O'Rourke

AFP - US Urges Gulf States to Support Iraq, Counter Iran



Reuters - NATO Chief Says Central Asia Must Decide on Ties

VOA News - US Envoy Grilled by Lawmakers on Afghan, Pakistan Strategy, by Dan Robinson

New York Times - Afghan Leader Outmaneuvers Election Rivals, by Dexter Filkins

Department of Defense - Rodriguez Assumes New Afghanistan Post

Department of Defense - Afghanistan Strategy Fuels 'Unprecedented' Government Cooperation, by John J. Kruzel

Boston Globe - US Sharpens Focus on Afghanistan, Farah Stockman

Associated Press - McChrystal Urges Greater Protection of Afghan Civilians

Reuters - Britain Defends Army's Performance in Afghanistan

AFP - British Troops 'Clear Taliban Stronghold'

BBC - Helmand 'Not a Losing Campaign'

RFE/RL - Afghanistan Focus of NATO's First Central Asia Talks 

Reuters - "Cultural Shift" Needed in Afghan Combat - Commander, by Jonathon Burch

BBC - 'Shift Needed' in Afghan Combat

Times Online UK - Drug Cultivation Plummets in Afghanistan as Demand Falls, by James Bone



Reuters - U.S. Senate Approves Bill to Triple Aid to Pakistan, by Paul Eckert

BBC - Key US Aide in Pakistan for Talks

Reuters - U.S. Adviser Hails Pakistani Attack on Militants, by Augustine Anthony

VOA News - India's Military Concerned About Emerging Taliban Threat from Pakistan, by Steve Herman

Associated Press - Taliban Chief in Pakistan Eluded Strike, Officials Say, by Munir Ahmad

Washington Times - Waziristan Battle Key in Fighting Taliban, by Sara A. Carter

AFP - Nervous Wait in Pakistan Tribal Belt for Army Assault, by Anwar Shakir

Associated Press - Pakistan Urges US to End Drone Attacks, by Ryan Lucas

New York Times - Strike Reportedly Missed Chief of Pakistani Taliban by Hours, by Pir Zubair Shah and Sabrina Tavernise

Los Angeles Times - In Pakistan, the Displaced Yearn for Home, by Mark Magnier




Christian Science Monitor - Iran Arrests 70 Professors Who Met With Mousavi, by Dan Murphy

Christian Science Monitor - Will Iran's Turmoil Change the Middle East?, by Liam Stack and Dan Murphy

New York Times - Ahmadinejad Reaps Benefits of Stacking Agencies With Allies, by Neil MacFarquhar

Washington Post - Ahmadinejad Tells Obama Not to Interfere in Iran, by Thomas Erdbrink, William Branigin, and Debbi Wilgoren

Washington Times - Iran Protesters Alter Tactics to Avoid Death, by Eli Lake

New York Times - Ahmadinejad Assails Obama as Opposition Urges Defiance, by Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell

RFE/RL - Iran's Opposition Vows to go on Challenging Poll

BBC - Iran's Mousavi Defies Crackdown

Reuters - Swiss to Destroy Papers in International Nuke Smuggling Case


Reuters - Kyrgyz Parliament Approves U.S. Base Deal

New York Times - Kyrgyzstan Ratifies U.S. Base Accord, by Michael Schwirtz

North Korea

VOA News - North Korea Warns of Nuclear Retaliation

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