ISW News Roundup - June 27-29, 2009

June 26, 2009 Roundup                                                                 June 30, 2009 Roundup


Washington Post - 1st Pullout Deadline Stirs Anxiety, Pride in Iraq, by Ernesto Londoño

Reuters - Iraq Lessons Learned, US Marines Turn to Afghanistan, by Peter Graff

Reuters - Car Bomb Kills Five Policemen in Northern Iraq

New York Times - Ready or Not, Iraq's Military Prepares to Stand on Its Own, by Rod Nordland

Washington Times - Cheney Fears Iraq Withdrawal Will 'Waste' U.S. Sacrifices, by Richard Tomkins and Joseph Weber

RFE/RL - Despite 'Uptick' in Iraq Violence, Stage Set for Pullback of U.S. Troops, by Richard Tomkins

Department of Defense -Military Has Met SOFA Deadline, Top U.S. General in Iraq Says, by Samantha L. Quigley

New York Times - U.S. Commander Says Iraq Forces Ready, by Derrick Henry

Reuters - U.S. General Says Time Right to Withdraw From Iraqi Cities

Washington Times - U.S. Poised to Let Iraqis Take Lead, by Richard Tomkins

Reuters - Baghdad Blast Walls Come Down, by Aseel Kami and Khalid al-Ansary

BBC Baghdad Set for US Pullback Party

Reuters - Banking on Security in Baghdad, by Mohammed Abbas

Times Online UK - Iraq Trembles as US Troops Pull Back, by Hala Jaber, Ali Rifat Amman and Tony Allen-Mills

Reuters - Iraq PM Says Forces Can Handle Security Without U.S.

VOA News - Iraqis Prepare Celebrations, Security as US Pulls Back

Washington Post - No Ban on Mine-Resistant Vehicles in Iraq Cities, U.S. Says, by Ernesto Londoño

Reuters UK - Big Oil Steels for Worst, Hopes for Best, in Iraq, by Missy Ryan

Washington Post - Iraq Set to Seek Foreign Oil Bids, by Ernesto Londoño and K. I. Ibrahim

Reuters - Iraq's VP Hashemi to Boycott Oil Tenders, by Ahmed Rasheed

Los Angeles Times - Corruption Plays Key Role in Iraqi Justice, by Ned Parker



Washington Post - Violence Delays Mine Clearing in Afghanistan, by Patrick Quinn

RFE/RL - Kandahar Police Chief Killed in Clash Between Afghan Forces

New York Times - Karzai Blames Coalition in Police Official's Death, by Richard A. Oppel 

VOA News - Local Police Chief, 9 Others Killed in Southern Afghanistan

BBC - Afghan Guards Held After Shootout

New York Times - New Corse for Antidrug Efforts in Afghanistan, by Rachel Donadio

Associated Press - U.S. to Shift Approach to Afghanistan Drug Trade

VOA News - Top US Officer Takes More Active Role on Afghanistan, by Al Pessin

Associated Press - Afghan Minister Says Drug Strategy is 'Perfect,' by Rahim Faiez

New York Times - Karzai Urges Taliban to Cast Votes, by Dexter Filkins



New York Times - Taliban Losses Are No Sure Gain for Pakistanis, by Jane Perlez and Pir Subair Shah

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Broadens Taliban Fight, by Zahid Hussain

Washington Post - Pakistan Treads Warily as New Fight Looms, by Pamela Constable

VOA News - Attacks Increase as Pakistan Military Pursues Top Militants, by Ayaz Gul

Associated Press - More Than 20 Die in Pakistan's Northwest, by Zarar Khan

Reuters - Support for Pakistan's Anti-Taliban War Seen Solid, by Faisal Aziz

Times Online UK - The High Price of Eliminating the Taleban from Buner, by Jeremy Page

Associated Press - 5 Militants Killed in Shootout in Karachi

Reuters - Pakistani Police Kill 5 Militants Linked to Taliban

Long War Journal - Pakistan Places Bounties on Baitullah and Other Senior Taliban Leaders, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - Pakistani Jets Hit Taliban Compounds in Waziristan




New York Times - Iran Extends Deadline for Election Inquiry, by Michael Slackman and Alan Cowell

Wall Street Journal - Iran Vote Recount is Under Way, by Farnaz Fassihi

Reuters - Partial Poll Recount in Iran, Riot Police Deployed, by Fredrik Dahl and Parisa Hafezi

Washington Post - Crackdown in Iran Puts Mousavi in Tight Spot, by Thomas Erdbrink

Reuters - Iran Starts Partial Recount of Disputed Vote

Washington Post - Iranian Cleric Calls for 'Ruthless' Punishment of Protest Leaders, by Thomas Erdbrink and William Branigin

Reuters - Ahmadinejad Wants Probe of 'Suspicious Neda Death

Reuters - Iran Says Five Local British Embassy Staff Freed


New York Times - Israel May Shift on Settlements Freeze Amid Broader Effort, by Ethan Bronner

Reuters - Israeli Arabs Boost Ailing Palestinian Economy, by Mohammad Assadi and Ivan Karakashian

Los Angeles Times - U.N. Fact-Finding Commission Faces Skepticism in Gaza, by Edmund Sanders

Reuters - Hamas Popularity Falls Among Palestinians: Poll


Reuters -West Skeptical on Russian Security Plan for Europe, by David Brunnstrom and Ingrid Melander

New York Times - Suspected Arms Dealer Challenges  U.S. Tactics, by Thomas Fuller

Department of Defense - Chairman Encouraged by Talks With Russian Counterpart, by Samantha L. Quigley


Los Angeles Times - Turks Increasingly Turn to Islamic Extremism, by Sebastian Rotella

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