ISW News Roundup - June 3, 2009

June 2, 2009 Roundup                                                    June 4, 2009 Roundup


Washington Post - Syria to Allow Visit of U.S. Military Leaders, by Glenn Kessler

Department of Defense - Forces Capture 45 Suspected Militants in Kirkuk

Wall Street Journal - Iraq's Oil Chief Ready for Questions, by Gina Chon

Reuters - Commander Says U.S. Troops on Schedule to Leave All Iraqi Cities

Washington Post - A Quiet by Undeniable Cultural Legacy, by Anthony Shadid



BBC - U.S. "Errors" Over Afghan Air Raids

Department of Defense - Taliban Increasingly Target Civilians in Eastern Afghanistan, Commander Says, by Jim Garamone

Wall Street Journal - War in Afghanistan is Winnable, General Says, by Yochi J. Dreazen

Washington Post - New Approach to Afghanistan Likely, by Ann Scott Tyson

Department of Defense - Troops in Afghanistan Combat Militants

New York Times - Uncertainty Clouds British Report of Taliban Leader's Death, by Adam B Ellick

New York Times - Eight Afghans Killed in Roadside Attack, by Adam B. Ellick and Abdul Waheed Wafa



Associated Press - Taliban Still Hold 40 Students

Reuters - Pakistan Aims to Kill Leaders of Taliban in Swat

VOA News - Pakistan Military: Swat Offensive to Last Months

Washington Post - Pakistan Releases Mumbai Suspect, by Griff Witte and Rama Lakshmi



Washington Times - Republican Picked to be Army Secretary, by Stephen Dinan

Washington Post - Cheney Led Briefings of Lawmakers to Defend Interrogation Techniques, by Paul Kane and Joby Warrick

Saudi Arabia

Wall Street Journal - Obama Arrives in Saudi Arabia to Begin Mideast Outreach, by Laura Meckler

Christian Science Monitor - In Mideast, Obama Faces Tough Crowd: Here's What they Want to Hear, by Caryle Murphy and Liam Stack


Reuters - Israel Says Does Not Plan to Bomb Iran, by Conor Sweeney

New York Times - As Obama Begins Trip, Arabs Want Israeli Gesture, by Jeff Zeleny and Michael Slackman

North Africa

New York Times - Al Qaeda Says it Executed Briton, by Alan Cowell and Souad Mekhennet

Associated Press - Militants Kill Algerian Teachers, Police

North Korea

Reuters - North Korea "Preparing Long-Range Missile Launch," by Jack Kim

Reuters - U.S. Improves Ability to Hit N. Korean Missiles: General, by Jim Wolf


Washington Times - Ahmadinejad Challenger May Force Runoff, by Barbara Slavin and Mehdi Jedinia

Reuters - Iran Says Signs Gas Deal With China, Replaces Total


BBC - India Elects First Woman Speaker

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