ISW News Roundup - June 4, 2009

June 3, 2009 Roundup                                                   June 5, 2009 Roundup


Washington Times - Ba'athists Aiding Insurgent Attacks, by Richard Tomkins

BBC - Iraq: Bomb in Baghdad Cafe Kills Nine

Reuters - Iraq's Kurds, Arabs Face Choice: Settle or Fight, by Tim Cocks



Los Angeles Times - Some Afghanistan Airstrikes Were Mistakes, Investigators Say, by Julian E. Barnes

Reuters - Afghan Leader Orders Plan to Control Foreign Troops, by Sayed Salahuddin

Reuters - Three Foreign Troops Killed in Afghanistan: Military

Reuters - First Civilian Airfield in 30 yrs Opens in Helmand, by Golnar Motevalli

Department of Defense - 82nd Airborne Assumes Command in Eastern Afghanistan



Wall Street Journal - U.S. Pledges Millions for Pakistan Refugees, by Jay Solomon

Reuters - Holbrooke Asks European, Muslim Nations to Aid Pakistan, by Robert Birsel

BBCRemaining Pakistan Students Freed



New York Times - Obama Calls for Alliances With Muslims, by Jeff Zeleny and Helene Cooper

Wall Street Journal - Obama Aims to Repair Ties With Muslim World, by Laura Meckler

Washington Post - In Cairo, Praise for Obama's Remarks, by Howard Schneider

Times Online UK - Osama bin Laden Emerges to Attack Barack Obama for 'Antagonizing Muslims,' by Tim Reid

Reuters - Iran to Obama 'Sweet Talk' Not Enough For Muslims

Reuters - Obama Speech Seen as a "Good Start"


BBC - Iran Marks Ayatollah Khomeini Anniversary

New York Times - Iran President and Challenger Clash in Debate, by Nazila Fathi

North Korea

VOA News - U.S. Journalists Face Trial in North Korea

Agence France-Presse - U.S. to Sell "Bunker Busters" to Seoul

Reuters - Russia May Back New Sanctions on North Korea, by Guy Faulconbridge and Jack Kim

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