ISW News Roundup - June 6-8, 2009

June 5, 2009 Roundup                                                            June 9, 2009 Roundup


Reuters - Baghdad Blast Kills Seven, Wounds 24: Police

New York Times - 5 Americans Arrested in Death of Iraq Contractor, by Marc Santora and Alissa J. Rubin

Los Angeles Times - Baghdad Outpost Eager to Put Boredom Behind, by Liz Sly

VOA News - U.N. Says Iraq Still Too Fragile to Handle Returning Refugees, by Lisa Schlein



New York Times - Erratic Afghan Forces Pose Challenge to U.S. Goals, by C.J. Chivers

Department of Defense - Afghan, Coalition Forces Seize Weapons, Drugs, Suspects

RFE/RL - Karzai Asks Kyrgyz to Keep Air Base Open to NATO



Long War Journal - Report: Tora Bora Front Leader Captured in Peshawar, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - Tribes Target Taliban in Dir After Mosque Bombing, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - Angry Pakistani Villagers Fight, Surround Taliban, by Kamran Haider

VOA News - U.S. Envoy Says Pakistanis Turning Against Taliban, by Catherine Maddux

Times Online UK - The Taliban Will 'Never be Defeated,' by Christina Lamb

Christian Science Monitor - Why the Taliban Won't Take Over Pakistan, by Ben Arnoldy

Reuters - Two Killed in Suicide Attack in Pakistani Capital, by Zeeshan Haider

New York Times - Militants Attack Army Convoy, Killing 2 of Their Own, by Sabrina Tavernise

Long War Journal - TNSM Deputy and Spokesman Killed in Taliban Ambush, by Bill Roggio




New York Times - In Iran, Harsh Talk as Election Nears, by Robert F. Worth

Reuters - Iran Says U.N. Report Shows its Nuclear Work Peaceful


New York Times - Israel's Premier Promises Major Peace Plan, by Isabel Kershner


Reuters - Lebanon Election Win for Hariri Bloc Confirmed, by Nadim Ladki

North Korea

Reuters - North Korea Jailed U.S. Journalists, Warns U.N., by Jack Kim

Reuters - S. Korea Makes Plans to Counter North Missile: Report

New York Times - U.S. Weighs Intercepting North Korean Shipments, by David E. Sanger

Saudi Arabia

Reuters - Saudi Urges Obama to Impose Mideast Solution: Report


Reuters - Somali Battle Kills 123, Rebels Deny Leader Aweys Dead, by Abdi Sheikh

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