ISW News Roundup - June 9, 2009

June 6-8, 2009                                                                           June 9, 2009 Roundup


Long War Journal - U.S. Releases Iraqi Shia Terror Group Leader, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - Iraqi Cops Train to Hunt Militants with DNA Dogs, by Aseel Kami

New York Times -Faces of Attacks in Iraq Turns Younger, U.S. Says, by Marc Santora

Reuters - U.N: Iraq's Security Better, But Militants Pose Threat

Department of Defense - Security Transition Command Makes Progress in Iraq, by John J. Kruzel

Department of Defense - Iraqi, U.S. Forces Destroy Weapons Cache Near Taji



Wall Street Journal - Focus Shifts to Afghanistan, With Fleet Designed for Iraq, by Yochi J. Dreazen

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Reports Errors in Afghan Airstrikes, by Yochi J. Dreazen

Reuters - Blast Near U.S. Convoy Kills One Afghan, Wounds Many, by Amin Jalili

Reuters - World Bank Approves New Afghanistan Aid Strategy, by Lesley Wroughton

Washington Times - 7,000 U.S. Marines Patrolling Southern Afghan Desert, by Chris Brummitt

Times Online UK - British Campaign in Afghanistan 'Crippled by Spending Cap,' by Michael Evans

Times Online UK - World Agenda: The Taleban?  They're Puppets of the U.S., by Jeremy Page

VOA News  - 60 Taliban Killed in Afghanistan as U.S. Deploys More Troops, by Ayaz Gul



Reuters - Pakistani Army Backs up Militia Fighting Taliban, by Kamran Haider

Reuters - U.S. Envoy Sees Pakistanis Backing Fight vs Taliban, by William Schomberg

Reuters - U.S. Intel Chief Cites Pakistan Army Gains in Swat

BBC - Pakistan 'to Target Waziristan'



Reuters - Global Arms Spending Hits Record in 2008: Think Tank

Washington Post - A Relative Unknown Leads Challenge in Iran, by Thomas Erdbrink


New York Times - U.S. Envoy Meets Israeli Officials, by Isabel Kershner and Alan Cowell

VOA News - Four Palestinians Killed in Border Battle with Israeli Troops


RFE/RL - Kyrgyz President Confirms Exchange with Karzai on Manas


New York Times - Hopeful Signs for U.S. in Beirut Vote, by Michael Slackman

Washington Post - Lebanese Victor's Toughest Dilemma, by Howard Schneider


Reuters - Gunman Kill 10, Wound 12 in Thai Mosque Attack


Reuters - Uzbekistan Accepts Obama's Call for "New Beginning," Maria Golovnina

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