ISW News Roundup - March 13, 2009


Associated Press - Iraqi PM says nation is united against terrorism, by Tanalee Smith

Reuters - Turkey says attacks Kurd rebel targets in northern Iraq

Associated Press - Iraqi clerics call for shoe thrower's release, by Hamid Ahmed

RFE/RL - Chinese Company Launches $3 Billion Oil Project In Iraq

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Iraq, March 12

Reuters - Amnesty urges Iraq executions halt on legal fears

BBC - Viewpoint: Baghdad healthcare



New York Times - Obama Afghan Plan Focuses on Pakistan Aid and Appeal to Militants, by Helene Cooper and Thom Shanker

Reuters - U.S. Afghan review expected as early as next week, by David Morgan

BBC - US finalises new Afghan strategy

New York Times - Elder Karzai Defends Ties to Business, by Abdul Waheed Wafa and Carlotta Gall

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - Emeralds of Afghanistan, by Max Becherer

Agence-France Presse - Iran welcomes Afghanistan talks



Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan's airwaves: On militant turf, Radio Khyber offers a softer voice, by Huma Yusuf

Long War Journal - US missile strike in Kurram agency levels Taliban training camp, by Bill Roggio

Associated Press - Death toll in Pakistan missile attack hits 22, by Munir Ahmad

Reuters - Pakistan Taliban say 24 dead in U.S. missile strikes

Reuters - Caution needed in any U.S., Taliban talks: ICG, by Jonathan Burch

Associated Press - Pakistan: Opposition should seek reconciliation, by Munir Ahmad

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan's Sharif capitalizes on lawyers' march, by Ben Arnoldy

Associated Press - Pakistan's faceoff echoes crackdown by Musharraf, by Nahal Toosi




Associated Press - Iran to respond if US policy shift proves genuine

Reuters - Iran dismisses sanctions, launches gas project, by Hashem Kalantari

RFE/RL - Obama Extends U.S. Sanctions Against Iran

Washington Post - In Tehran, the Best Part of Waking Up: A Sheep's Head on Your Plate, by Thomas Erdbrink


Associated Press - Palestinians struggle with differences over Israel, by Salah Nasrawi

Reuters - Hamas issues rare criticism of Gaza rocket fire


Reuters - Russia region tries new tactics to quell insurgency, Dmitry Solovyov


LA Times - U.S. disagrees with British decision to engage Lebanon's Hezbollah, by Paul Richter

Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan

RFE/RL - Tajik, Afghan, Iranian Leaders To Accelerate Joint Projects


Long War Journal - Somalia's rising tide of extremism, by Thomas Joscelyn

South China Sea

Times Online UK - US warships head for South China Sea after standoff, by Tim Reid

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