ISW News Roundup - March 18, 2009


Associated Press - Officials: Bomb kill couple, policeman in Iraq, by Sinan Salaheddin

Washington Times - Suspected Saddam-era mass grave found in Iraq

Reuters - Iraq urges execution of Saddam-era officials

LA Times - Court upholds dismissal of charges in Haditha case, by Tony Perry

Washington Post - Ordinary Moments in a Once-Unpredictable Place, by Anthony Shadid

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - A Baghdad Reading List, by Rod Nordland



Associated Press - Afghan leader warns against international meddling, by Fisnik Abrashi

Reuters - NATO says 4,000 extra troops needed for Afghan poll, by Jonathan Burch and Sayed Salahuddin

Department of Defense -On the Ground: Troops Aid Afghans With Security, Supplies

Department of Defense - Coalition, Afghan Forces Kill Seven in Bomb-making Bust



Associated Press - Pakistan: attack stops traffic on NATO supply line, by Nahal Toosi

Reuters - U.S. weighs expanded covert war in Pakistan: report

New York Times - U.S. Weighs Taliban Strike Into Pakistan, by David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt

Christian Science Monitor - US considers broadening drone airstrikes in Pakistan, by Tom A. Peter

BBC - Pakistan rejects US strike report

Christian Science Monitor - Why Pakistan's president gave in, by Saeed Shah and Jonathan S. Landay




Associated Press - US: No surprise Iran using drone craft over Iraq

Associated Press - Iran: Leading candidate vows Islamic-based reform, by Ali Akbar Dareini

Associated Press - Reports: Russia confirms Iran missile contract

Reuters - U.N. official says U.S. "demonizes" Iranian leader, by Patrick Worsnip

Reuters -U.S. says Iran increasing activity in Latin America

RFE/RL - Iran Watchdog Seals Budget Setback For Ahmadinejad


Associated Press - Egypt opens Gaza border to aid, Palestinians

Reuters - Egypt blocks Hamas cash at Rafah border

Reuters - Israeli PM says Hamas price for soldier too high, by Allyn Fisher-Ilan

LA Times - Israel's Olmert says effort to free Gilad Shalit has failed, by Richard Boudreaux

Reuters - Israel said near compromise on F-35 fighters, by Jim Wolf


Washington Post - Medvedev Pushes Plan to Remake Russian Military, by Philip P. Pan

RFE/RL - Could France's View of Moscow Help, Or Hurt, NATO? by Andrew F. Tully


Reuters - Man blows himself up in failed Yemen attack: source


Associated Press - Report: Assad would like to meet Obama


Long War Journal - Swedish citizen senior leader of Somali terror alliance, by Bill Raymond and Bill Roggio

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