ISW News Roundup - March 23, 2009


Associated Press - US pursues charges in 2007 attack in Iraq

Reuters - U.S. says Iraqi prisoners to be freed or charged, by Tim Cocks

Reuters - Iraq's wounds healing but big hurdles remain, by Mohammed Abbas and Tim Cocks

RFE/RL - Turkey's President, In Iraq, Urges PKK Rebel Crackdown

Reuters - Baghdad bomb kills 9, wounds 23: police

Times Online UK - Iraq SAS units switch to hunting the Taleban, by Deborah Haynes

Reuters - Oil price fall curbs Iraqi police expansion: Bolani, by Tom Perry

Associated Press - Turkish president arrives for historic Iraq visit, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Times Online UK - Peter Moore footage keeps hope alive for five 'forgotten' hostages, by Deborah Haynes

BBC - No frills tourism - in Iraq, by Hugh Sykes


Afghanistan and Pakistan

Reuters - U.S. wants Afghanistan "exit strategy"

Christian Science Monitor - Holbrooke: western Pakistan key to resolving Afghanistan war, by Robert Marquand

Times Online UK - Obama changes tactics in 'disastrous' war against Afghanistan's heroin producers, by David Charter and Tom Baldwin

Reuters - U.S. outlines new Afghan strategy to NATO allies, by David Brunnstrom

Washington Times - NATO gains commitment, but not for Afghanistan, by Anne-Laure Buffard

Reuters - U.S., Afghan peace moves are a trick, militant says, by Elyas Wahdat

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Afghanistan, March 23

Associated Press - Afghan Mayor Alleges More Civilian Deaths, by Amir Shah

Reuters - Q+A: Afghanistan Who are the Haqqanis?

Associated Press - NATO: Taliban commander among 10 killed in strike, by Fisnik Abrashi

New York Times - NATO Says Senior Taliban Leader Slain, by Abdul Waheed Wafa and Mark McDonald

Associated Press - Mumbai gunman tells court that he is from Pakistan, by Aijaz Ansari

Reuters - Pakistan's Zardari says needs help with terrorism




Associated Press - Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts

Reuters - Israeli troops violated medical ethics: rights group


Long War Journal - Shabaab leader admits links to al Qaeda, by Bill Roggio


BBC - Fatah official killed in Lebanon

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