ISW News Roundup March 29, 2009


Reuters - Iraqi forces make arrests after clash with guards, by Waleed Ibrahim

Washington Post - Baghdad Arrest Sets Off Clashes, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Associated Press - US-backed Iraqi troops quell Baghdad uprising, by Robert H. Reid

LA Times - Sons of Iraq leader Adel Mashadani arrested in Baghdad, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Iraq, March 29

Associated Press - AP Exclusive: UN suggests power-sharing for Kirkuk, by Lara Jakes

Associated Press - Kurdish rebel leader in Iraq vows not to disarm, by Yahya Barzanji

Reuters - Iraq investors bemoan red tape and lack of credit, by Khalid al-Ansary



Reuters - U.S. seeks support on Afghan plans at Hague forum, by Reed Stevenson

Reuters - Karzai to stay Afghan president till August polls, by Jon Hemming

Reuters - Obama to seek NATO support for Afghanistan plan, by Caren Bohan

Washington Post - Afghanistan's Karzai Endorses Obama Plan, by Pamela Constable

Reuters - Most Afghan Taliban want peace, ex-commander says, by Jonathan Burch



Reuters - Obama: U.S. expects "accountability" from Pakistan

LA Times - Pakistanis doubt the effectiveness of more U.S. aid, by Mark Magnier

LA Times - Pakistan remains a roadblock for U.S. in Central Asian affairs, by Greg Miller

Reuters - Taliban abduct 11 Pakistani policemen

Long War Journal - Taliban attack NATO supply lines in northwest Pakistan, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal -Taliban capture 12 policemen in Khyber, by Bill Roggio

Associated Press - Militants kidnap, kill police in NW Pakistan, by Riaz Khan




Associated Press - Militants smuggled tons of weapons to Gaza, by Amy Tiebel


Times Online UK - US and Iran open Afghanistan peace talks, by Christina Lamb

Times Online UK - Iran missile experts in North Korea 'to help with rocket launch'

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