ISW News Roundup - March 4, 2009


BBC - Pakistan president in gunmen vow

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistani vigilantes take on Taliban, by Ayesha Nasir

Associated Press - Attack spoils Pakistan's World Cup status

Times Online UK - Pakistan offers $125,000 bounty for terrorists who attacked cricketers, by Jeremy Page

New York Times - Pakistan Police Detain 20 After Cricket Attack, by Jane Perlez and Waqar Gillani

Associated Press - Cricket ref: Pakistan police fled during ambush, by Rizwan Ali

Christian Science Monitor - Militant attack on cricket team in Pakistan could backfire, by Ben Arnoldy

Reuters - We won't negotiate with Taliban: Pakistan's Zardari

Reuters - Afghan rival rues errors of "younger brother" Karzai, by Simon Denyer



BBC - Blasts target main US Afghan base

CNN - Afghanistan: U.S. airbase attack wounds 3

Reuters - Afghan farmers turn from drugs to fish, by Hamid Shalizi

BBC - Afghan elections set for August

Reuters - Afghan election body says April poll not possible, by Hamid Shalizi

Washington Times - U.S. takes fight to Taliban leader, by Raza Khan and Sara A. Carter

Times Online UK - MoD keeps powder dry as Nato awaits President Obama's plea for troops, by Michael Evans

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - Dark Humor: Heading for Afghanistan, by Qassem H.J.

RFE/RL - Grave Discovered In Afghan Interior Ministry's Yard

RFE/RL - Three Canadian Soldiers Killed in Afghan Blast



BBC - Iraq suicide bombings kill four

Associated Press - US commanders hone battlefield diplomacy in Iraq, by Lara Jakes

Associated Press - U.S. soldier killed in Mosul attack, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Christian Science Monitor - A drawdown of contractors in Iraq, by Gordon Lubold

Christian Science Monitor - Iraq's urban sprawl, not looting, threatens Ninevah antiquities, by Jane Arraf




BBC - Clinton concern over demolitions

New York Times - Clinton Says She Pressed for Gaza Border Opening, by Mark Landler

Reuters - Iran Missiles Can Reach Israel Atom Sites: Commander


Associated Press - Hariri tribunal under way, by Sam F. Ghattas


Associated Press - Russia open to U.S. plan on Iran

Reuters - NATO seen moving towards normal Russia ties, by David Brunnstrom


Washington Post - U.S. Sends Senior Officials to Syria To Revive Relations, by Glenn Kessler


Reuters - Six powers commit to "direct diplomacy" with Iran, by Mark Heinrich

RFE/RL - Iran Says It Will Launch First Atom Power Plant In Summer

BBC - Iran sees Obama 'on wrong path'

BBC - Iran confirms reporter detention


RFE/RL - U.S. Funds Border-Crossings In Turkmenistan


New York Times - Interview: Issues Facing NATO On Its 60th Birthday, by F. Stephen Larrabee and Bernard Gwertzman


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