ISW News Roundup - March 9, 2009


Associated Press - US contractor protecting diplomats in Iraq killed

Reuters - Iraqi army called in to patch up a ruined nation, by Tim Cocks

Associated Press - Iraq's oil minister says OPEC hopes to raise oil prices

The Sunday Times - Blind bomb girl to get lessons in play, by Sara Hashash and Hala Jaber

Washington Post - 12,000 U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq, by Anthony Shadid

BBC - Iraqi women 'lack basic services'

Associated Press - Iraq: Women's minister to withdraw resignation



Department of Defense - Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 16 Enemy Fighters

Times Online UK - Obama says US is losing war in Afghanistan and hints at Taleban talks, by Tim Reid and Michael Evans

Reuters - Obama's call on moderate Taliban useless: analysts, by Sayed Salahuddin

Reuters - Iran says U.S. failing in Afghanistan, by Hashem Kalantari and Hossein Jaseb

BBC - Rebooting the Afghan mission, by Gordon Corera

Associated Press - Bomb kills 1 Canadian soldier in Afghanistan, by Fisnik Abrashi

BBC - Nato 'struggling in Afghan south'



Associated Press - Pakistani troops kill 15 militants in northwest, by Munir Ahamed

New York Times - Pakistan Regains Control of Remote Area, for Now, by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan's tenuous gains on Taliban, by Ben Arnoldy and Issam Ahmed

Reuters - Violence flares on Pakistani border with Afghanistan, by Sahibzada Bahauddin

Times Online UK - English cricket referee Chris Broad recalls the Pakistan terror attack, by Rosie Millard

LA Times - Interpol to aid Pakistan investigation of Mumbai attack, by Mark Magnier

Times Online UK - Military may have to step in, by Humayun Gauhar

LA Times - Pakistan sets roadblocks in U.S. hunt for extremists, officials say, by Josh Meyer




Reuters  - France will receive top NATO posts: foreign minister


Associated Press - Israel: Iran can build nuclear weapons, by Mark Lavie


Reuters - Peace with Israel possible, says Syria's Assad


Reuters - Iran test-fires new missile: media

LA Times - Iran tests air-to-surface missile, by Borzou Daragahi

CNN - U.S. seeks clues 2 years after ex-FBI agent's disappearance, by Jill Dougherty

North Korea

Associated Press - N. Korea: War if satellite is shot down

Christian Science Monitor - North Korea warns of war over 'satellite test' interference, by Jonathan Adams


Washington Times - U.S., Russia aim to cut nukes, by Nicholas Kralev

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