ISW News Roundup - November 4, 2008


Reuters - FACTBOX - Security developments in Iraq, Nov 4

New York Times -Iraq Attacks Include One on Oil Official, by Sam Dagher and Mohammed Al-Obaidi

BBC - Baghdad rocked by fresh bombings

Associated Press - Bombing at Baghdad bus station kills 11, wounds 26, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Washington Post - 9 Killed, Dozens Hurt in Iraq Blasts, by Mary Beth Sheridan and Aziz Alwan

Long War Journal - In northwest Baghdad, Iraqi forces stand up, slowly, by Wesley Morgan

DefenseLink Mil - Iraqi Military Builds Up Combat Power, Logistics, by Jim Garamone

Washington Post - Iraq: Key figures since the war began, from AP

Chicago Tribune -Iraq clears hurdle for elections, by Tina Susman


Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)

Reuters - Iraq expects U.S. reply on troop pact within days, by Peter Graff

Reuters - Iraq VP proposes referendum on U.S. security pact

Voice of America News - US May Accept Some Iraqi Changes to Forces Agreement, by Al Pessin

Al Jazeera - Poll proposed for Iraq-US pact 




LA Times Blog -LEBANON: An alleged Israeli spy network uncovered, by Raed Rafei

Christian Science Monitor - In Lebanon, pragmatism tempers jihadist aims, by Nicholas Blanford


Associated Press - Pakistan says next US leader must stop attacks, by Nahal Toosi

Washington Post - U.S. Airstrikes Creating Tension, Pakistan Warns, by Candace Rondeaux

Washington Times - Petraeus told strikes stir up anger, from AP


New York Times - Stuart Levey's War, by Robin Wright

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