
Weekly Iraq Update #43

November 2, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

October 17, 2012- October 24, 2012
Kurdish delegations arrive in Baghdad

Weekly Iraq Update #44

November 2, 2012

October 24, 2012-November 2, 2012
Iraq Sets Date for 2013 Provincial Elections as Maliki Renews Push for Majority Government

Weekly Iraq Update #42

October 17, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

October 11, 2012- October 17, 2012
Central Bank governor suspended amid political disputes

NATO’s Defence Ministerial: Afghanistan after 2014

October 15, 2012

Following NATO’s Chicago Summit in May 2012, defense officials met in Brussels October 10 to discuss issues facing the NATO alliance. The mission in Afghanistan was their primary focus, and the meeting produced several critical strategic announcements.

Weekly Iraq Update #41

October 11, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

October 3, 2012-October 11, 2012- Iraq confirms massive arms deal with Russia, Iraq accused of shipping fuel oil to Syria.

Weekly Iraq Update #40

October 3, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 26, 2012-October 3, 2012 Former Basra governor assassinated, Iraqi leaders gather in Ankara, Baghdad seeks to end Turkish operations in Kurdistan region,

Weekly Iraq Update #39

September 26, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 19, 2012-September 26, 2012 Protests present political opportunities, Syrian conflict reveals weaknesses, New movements and old issues in provincial elections process

The Islamic State of Iraq and the 'Destroying the Walls' Campaign

September 21, 2012 - Sam Wyer

ISI's 'Destroying the Walls' summer campaign targeted a combination of security posts, government facilities, and Shi’ite shrines and neighborhoods.

Weekly Iraq Update #38

September 19, 2012 - Stephen Wicken

September 12, 2012-September 19, 2012 Anti-film protests spread throughout Iraq, IHEC vote provokes dissent

Jihad in Syria

September 17, 2012

This report examines the presence of jihadist groups in Syria, explains where Syrian rebel groups and foreign elements fall along the spectrum of religious ideology, and considers their effect on the Islamification of the Syrian opposition.
