
Electoral Shifts Likely Following Deadline Extension for Candidates

February 12, 2018 - Jessa "Rose" Dury-Agri

Iraq’s political parties will use a week-long extension on the submission of electoral list candidates to reshape unofficial and official electoral list alliances.

Iraq’s Judiciary Rules against Sunni Politician Ahead of Iraqi Elections

February 9, 2018 - Omer Kassim

Vice President Nouri al-Maliki–seeking to regain the premiership–is likely leveraging his influence over the judicial process to marginalize political rivals ahead of the legislative and provincial elections, slated for May 12, 2018. Maliki previously influenced Iraq’s judiciary and ostensibly independent bodies to eliminate rival candidates and politicians during his two terms as Prime Minister (2006-2014).

Iraqi Prime Minister’s Electoral Coalition Fractures, Signaling Change of Premier

February 2, 2018 - ISW Press

The U.S. should reassess military and political plans that rest on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s continued premiership after Iraq’s May 12, 2018 elections. A series of splits from Abadi’s electoral list will increase opportunities for alternative candidates to gain the premiership. Abadi’s failed political alliance with Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces and inability to maintain the confidence of Ammar al-Hakim’s political allies signals that Abadi is unable to manage varying political interests and will struggle to hold together a post-election coalition.

Iraqi Security Forces and Popular Mobilization Forces: Orders of Battle

December 29, 2017 - ISW Press

Any U.S. strategy relying on a partnered force must proceed from a realistic assessment of its capabilities and intentions. The Institute for the Study of War completed an Order of Battle study to evaluate the capabilities and disposition of the ISF. This study also presents an Order of Battle of the PMF to help U.S. decision makers and forces on the ground recognize and remediate the presence of Iranian-backed militias within the ISF.

U.S. Grand Strategy: Destroying ISIS and al Qaeda

March 15, 2017 - ISW Press

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute conducted an intensive multi-week planning exercise to frame, design, and evaluate potential courses of action that the United States could pursue to destroy the Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) and al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria.

Iranian Proxies Fire Rockets at Green Zone in Baghdad, Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 11, 2017 - Patrick Martin

Unidentified gunmen, likely Iranian proxies, fired rockets at the Green Zone during a large Sadrist demonstration in Tahrir Square in eastern Baghdad on February 11, 2017.

Warning Update: Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency Begins as ISIS Loses Ground in Mosul

February 7, 2017 - Emily Anagnostos

Early indicators suggest that a post-ISIS Sunni insurgency may be forming in Iraq and al Qaeda (AQ) is trying to gain traction within it.

Iran Positions for Reset in Iraq after Recapture of Mosul

January 26, 2017 - Emily Anagnostos

The recapture of Mosul can reset the balance of power between Iran and the U.S. in Iraq and the region.

Anticipating Iraq’s Next Sunni Insurgency

November 30, 2016 - Emily Anagnostos

Iraq could face another Sunni insurgency after ISIS loses control of Mosul. The U.S.-led Operation Inherent Resolve has not resolved the political conditions that originally caused Sunni Arabs to mobilize in a non-violent protest movement in 2012-2013. Sunni Arabs in Iraq who are liberated from ISIS’s control will not necessarily be reconciled to the Iraqi Government.

Iraq Launches the Campaign for Mosul

October 17, 2016 - Patrick Martin

Iraqi and regional actors are preparing to assist with or spoil the Iraqi Security Forces’ (ISF) operation to retake Mosul and its environs from ISIS. Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced the start of operations to retake the city on October 17.
