
Afghanistan - Order of Battle

September 19, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The Afghanistan ORBAT (in PDF format) describes the location and area of responsibility of all American units in Afghanistan, down to the battalion level, updated as of February 2016..

Afghanistan’s Fraught Political Transition and Implications for Its Security Beyond 2014

August 12, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

On Saturday, June 14, Afghanistan held its second round, run-off presidential election since no presidential candidate was able to secure at least 50 percent of the votes in the first-round election on April 5. In that first contest, the two front-runners, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani, won 45 percent and 31.56 percent of the vote, respectively.

Afghanistan: 5,000 Troops are not Enough

April 23, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The White House is dropping strong hints that the number of American troops in Afghanistan after 2014 may fall below 10,000, possibly even below 5,000. Unnamed White House officials suggested to the press that lower levels of U.S. support to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) will be sufficient to contain future Taliban threats.

The Formation of Electoral Alliances in Afghan Politics in the 2014 Presidential Season

October 2, 2013 - Institute for the Study of War

Candidates for Afghanistan’s 2014 elections will declare their intent to run by October 6. The most prominent candidates, Zalmai Rassoul & Abdullah Abdullah, represent the two main factions that will decide the 2014 election: the Karzai-Establishment & anti-Karzai opposition.

Dances With Warlords: Karzai’s Latest Grist for the Presidential Rumor Mill

August 23, 2013 - Mara Tchalakov

Abdurrab Rasul Sayyaf is the latest name to have been floated as President Hamid Karzai’s favored contender for the 2014 Afghan Presidential Elections.

U.S. Embassy & Consulate Closures, Sunday 4 August 2013

August 3, 2013

ISW and AEI's Critical Threats Project mapped this weekend's U.S. Embassy and Consulate closures.

The Northern Alliance Prepares for Afghan Elections in 2014

August 2, 2013 - Mara Tchalakov

Afghan history suggests that any stable political accommodation after 2014 will be contingent on incorporating Jamiat-e Islami. The engagement of key party politicians will be critical to a smooth regime transition in Afghanistan post-Karzai.

How many troops does the U.S. need in Afghanistan?

January 17, 2013 -
Three thousand troops are not sufficient to keep even a single U.S. military base in Afghanistan after 2014. This report, released with AEI's Critical Threats Project, describes how to calculate the force requirements for keeping one base in Afghanistan after 2014.

10,000 Troops In Afghanistan Is Not Enough: Rightsizing NATO’s Developmental Support Force Beyond 2014

January 2, 2013

The Afghan National Army (ANA) is arguably the most respected institution in Afghanistan. Keeping it that way as it becomes more self-sufficient will contribute to all of NATO’S post-2014 strategic aims.

Unpacking the Attempted Assassination of Asadullah Khalid

December 20, 2012

A suicide bombing in Kabul on December 6 targeted the head of the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS), Asadullah Khalid, in an event that has rattled Afghan elites and rekindled controversy between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
