
Sunni Politicians Barred from Candidacy

January 29, 2010

This backgrounder documents the recent attempt to bar Sunni candidates from the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Iraq's Parliamentary Election

October 20, 2009

This backgrounder provides an assessment of the shifting political environment in Iraq as elections draw near.

Kurdish Elections

July 23, 2009

This paper describes the structure of the KRG’s political bodies and offices, the major parties, and the mechanics of the July 25th election.

Provincial Governments in Southern Iraq

May 29, 2009 - Tommy Meyerson

Following Iraq’s provincial council elections on January 31, 2009, the political parties that captured seats in the provinces of the mainly Shia south scrambled to form ruling alliances.

Shifting Coalitions in Iraq's Parliament

April 28, 2009 - Jeremy Domergue

On April 19th, 2009, Iraq’s Council of Representatives successfully elected Ayad al-Samaraie as its new speaker of parliament.

2009 Iraqi Provincial Elections Fact Sheet

January 26, 2009 - Scott Weiner

On January 31, 2009, fourteen of Iraq’s eighteen provinces will hold provincial elections. This fact sheet provides information on the upcoming Provincial Elections.

Asaib Ahl al Haq and the Special Groups

January 13, 2009

This paper evaluates how the two groups, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Special Groups are affiliated by testing four hypotheses about the relationship between the two organizations.

Maliki Makes a Play for the Southern Tribes

November 6, 2008 - Scott Weiner

In the Shia dominated south of Iraq, a conflict is developing over political dominance in the upcoming provincial elections.

Overview of the SOFA Negotiations

October 28, 2008

A backgrounder on the ongoing and often contentious SOFA negotiations.
