
ISW Resources on ISIS

October 30, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

Click here to find the most recent list of ISW's resources on ISIS. 

Syria Update: October 17-October 29,2014

October 29, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The regime’s seizure of Morek is a significant setback for rebel forces seeking to maintain the disruption of the regime’s preferred supply line to Aleppo north from Hama along the M5 highway.

Iraq Situation Report: October 28-29, 2014

October 29, 2014 -

Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Iraqi Shia militias area challenging ISIS on multiple fronts. In northern Babil, ISF and militias are capitalizing on their recent gains in Jurf al-Sakhar to clear ISIS strongholds in areas like Owissat and are using Fadhliyah, adjacent to the Anbar system, to advance toward Amiriyat al-Fallujah in coordination with Anbar Operations Command (AOC).

Increased Rebel Unity Threatens Assad in Damascus and Southern Syria

October 28, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

Rebel gains in southern Syria and efforts to sever regime supply routes north and south of Damascus indicate that the regime has lost momentum in the capital region. Rebel alliances show greater cohesion in this zone, as well a greater cooperation with Jabhat al-Nusra, while the regime is showing signs of severe manpower shortage. The regime is attempting to fill its ranks with new conscripts and reservists. The regime will likely need to reinforce its southern front in order to reverse rebel gains, though it is likely that the regime will need to sacrifice efforts elsewhere in order to provide sufficient support.

Iraq Situation Report: October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

Iraqi Shia militias and the ISF expanded their operations in Northern Babil by working to neutralize ISIS pockets of resistance in the Farisiyah and Fadhliyah areas of Jurf al-Sakhar.

Is ISIS Expanding into Egypt?

October 27, 2014

Recent statements by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, and an alleged new group called the “Soldiers of the Caliphate in the Land of Egypt” has given rise to speculation that ISIS may be seeking to expand beyond Iraq and Syria into new territories such as Egypt. This fear is compounded by the recent arrest of an individual at the Cairo airport, allegedly seeking to travel to Syria for training with ISIS.

Iraq Situation Report: October 25-26, 2014

October 26, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga continue to launch operations to clear areas that fell to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in early August. 


Control of Terrain in Iraq: October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

On October 24, Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Iraqi Shi'a militias cleared the Jurf al-Sakhar area in northern Babil. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) historically had a major stronghold in Jurf al-Sakhar and since the beginning of 2014 its presence was renewed and consolidated. 


Iraq Situation Report: October 23-24, 2014

October 24, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The clearing of Jurf al-Sakhar in northern Babil by the ISF and Shi'a militias is a significant event in the course of the anti-ISIS campaign.

Iraq Situation Report: October 21-22, 2014

October 22, 2014 - Institute for the Study of War

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham's (ISIS) threat to Baghdad City is increasing.
