
Situation Report, The Russian Crisis Update

September 13, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Frederick W. Kagan provides his analysis of the fighting in August '08 and the geopolitical changes in its wake. The updates examine Russia’s relations with CIS members and Eastern Europe.

Special Groups Regenerate

September 2, 2008

Iranian-backed Special Groups in Iraq launched an offensive that cost them Basra and Sadr City but have regenerated in order to disrupt the Iraqi government with assassinations and spectacular attacks

Sadr City Operations, April - May, 2008

September 2, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

To see this map in context, please view Iraq Report #11

Expanding Security in Diyala

August 13, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This Iraq Report describes the fight for Diyala Province from late 2007 through the middle of 2008.

Operation Raider Reaper - Clearing Diyala in a 'Y' pattern from Ba'Qubah

August 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Operation Raider Reaper - Blocking Operations in the Breadbasket

August 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Operation Raider Reaper - Clearing the Breadbasket

August 1, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

The Future of Iraq (The Weekly Standard)

July 21, 2008 - Kimberly Kagan

The conflict over power in Iraq has transformed from a military to a political struggle.

The New Reality in Iraq (The Wall Street Journal)

July 16, 2008 - Kimberly Kagan

The most important objectives of the surge have been accomplished in Iraq. We have an extraordinary – but fleeting – opportunity to advance America's security and regional stability.

The Battle for Basra

June 23, 2008

Iraq Report 9 offers a comprehensive look at the battle for Basra, Operation Knight’s Charge.
