
Iraq Situation Report: August 21 - 24, 2015

August 24, 2015 - Sinan Adnan

The government of PM Abadi is using its control over the ISF to protect anti-corruption demonstrators from local authorities south of Baghdad.

Iraq Situation Report: August 18-20, 2015

August 24, 2015 - Institute for the Study of War

The five major Kurdish political parties - the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the Gorran (Change) Movement, the Kurdistan Islamic Union, and the Kurdistan Islamic Group - failed to resolve the status of the Iraqi Kurdistan presidency before the expiration of President Massoud Barzani’s term on August 20.

Iraq Situation Report: August 14-17, 2015

August 24, 2015 - Institute for the Study of War

ISIS launched a large complex attack against ISF and Iraqi Shi’a militia positions in Baiji district on August 14, recapturing several parts of the city in an offensive that involved between 7-10 VBIEDs, direct and indirect fire, and up to 200 gunmen.

Iraq Situation Report: August 12-13, 2015

August 24, 2015 - Institute for the Study of War

Prime Minister (PM) Haidar al-Abadi is pushing ahead with his political reform initiative following the unanimous passing of his reform bill on August 11 by the Council of Representatives (CoR).

ISIS Sanctuary: August 13, 2015

August 13, 2015 - Institute for the Study of War

ISW has updated its ISIS Sanctuary map. This map, covering both Iraq and Syria, shows the extent of ISIS zones of control, attack, and support throughout both countries.

Tracking ISIS Since (Before) the Islamic State

August 7, 2015 - John Lawrence

The ISIS Sanctuary Maps from the last 14 months (and longer) show how ISW has tracked the conflict and become the recognized expert on ISIS's expansion. As we approach the one-year anniversary of U.S. and coalition airstrikes against ISIS, we have collected all our Sanctuary Maps, along with examples of where they have appeared, to help show the role ISW is proud to have played in tracking ISIS. Download the PDF here or view it online on LucidPress.

The Fall of Ramadi Was Avoidable

July 17, 2015 - Kimberly Kagan
The seizure of Ramadi on Sunday leaves President Obama’s strategy against the Islamic State in ruins not only in Iraq but also throughout the Muslim world. It means that the Iraqi security forces will almost certainly not be able to recapture Mosul this year and, therefore, that the Islamic State will retain its largest city in Iraq. Worse, it gives the group momentum again in Iraq even as it gains ground in Syria and expands in the Sinai, Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere. This defeat was avoidable.

The Terrorist Army Marching on Baghdad

July 17, 2015 - Jessica D. Lewis
 We're losing Iraq. Mosul, a great city in northern Iraq, now belongs to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). The world has changed overnight as a former al Qaeda affiliate wrested a major city from a state by force—and without a fight. Within two days of taking Mosul, ISIS pushed south toward Baghdad, collapsing the Iraqi security forces like dominoes in cities from Mosul to Tikrit. ISIS also attacked the Shiite holy city of Samarra. Baghdad is within their sights.

ISIS Captures Ramadi

May 18, 2015 - Patrick Martin

ISW has tracked the ISIS assault on Ramadi since January 2014 when they attacked both Ramadi and Fallujah. This presentation shows how ISIS has positioned itself in Anbar Province since that time to the capture of Ramadi this past weekend.
