Syria Protest Update, September 5–September 11

Syria Protest Update, September 5–September 11

Andie Parry

September 13, 2023

Information Cutoff: September 11, 5:00 pm ET

Anti-regime protests stabilized in Suwayda and Daraa provinces while continuing to lose momentum in the rest of Syria for the second consecutive week. 72 percent of the protests and all of the demonstrations of over 100 people between September 5 and 11 occurred in Suwayda Province.[1] The protests in Daraa were smaller and occurred less frequently than in Suwayda but turnout, span, and demands remained consistent between Friday demonstrations on September 1 and 8.[2] The Syrian regime and Iran have deployed forces to quell protests in southern Syria, according to opposition media.[3] ISW did not record any instances of the regime violently suppressing protests in southern Syria between September 5-11, however. The Syrian regime has continued restricting transportation to city centers in Suwayda and Homs on Fridays in order to limit the size and occurrence of the protests.[4]

  • The turnout of about four thousand demonstrators on Friday, September 8 in Suwayda City was the largest anti-regime gathering since the 2011 Arab Spring.[5] Protest span, density, and frequency during the rest of the week remained constant in Suwayda compared to last week, however.[6] Suwayda protest banners demanded a United Nations-facilitated political solution in Syria and emphasized the movement’s non-violent approach.[7] Druze symbols and religious leaders have also remained central to Suwayda demonstrations, while pan-Syrian revolutionary symbols have declined.[8]
  • Protesters in Daraa Province turned out in small groups in nine locations on September 8 compared to ten locations on September 1.[9] Demonstrators from Daraa Province attended the Suwayda Friday protest for the first time on September 8, which indicates the centrality of Suwayda to the protest movement.[10] Demonstrators may have held anti-regime protests in Idlib on September 8 in support of Suwayda.[11] The Syrian diaspora held demonstrations supporting Suwayda in several European cities as well.[12]
  • Syrian regime intelligence services increased their presence and blocked roads in Homs City on Friday, September 8 to discourage demonstrations.[13] Iran redeployed forces and military equipment from eastern Syria to southern Syria on September 4.[14] The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps sent over 60 Iranian-backed militants to Daraa Province in cooperation with the 4th Division to stoke instability and blame ISIS. [15]

The number of anti-regime protests in Syria declined for the second consecutive week. Suwayda province remains the heart of the protest movement and demonstrators there are holding protests daily.


[1] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

[2] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; https://orient-news dot net/ar/news_show/205345 ;

[3] https://deirezzor24 dot net/en/the-iranian-revolutionary-guard-militia-relocates-a-huge-number-of-its-elements-outside-deir-ezzor/ ; https://eyeofeuphrates dot com/ar/news/2023/09/07/9616

[4] ; https://suwayda24 dot com/?p=21815&fbclid=IwAR0tNUUoDZE7Sgk1jdCtvKTzVRQkWW_NWNR1Ou8SafwAL9H1rinE8LF7-5w

[5][0]=AZWBQ729PXl-23zL9hJB_0Sae4002TRaJgJaHXcUAzSVw4nKephr9qcSkboe1uKPSypx8jY-LMUXSta6FdEVlMGj65L26lapVI62Op2c0IuiuvPni0ZvNq4000nQrsdXwba5VgKZ_HehS6MXRPyjxBYI&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R ; ; ; https://suwayda24 dot com/?p=21809

[6] ISW data available on request.

[7] ;[0]=AZUfUlYje3Coeh3zaBUcyIXI4MEQrrnAOvi7X-lzkjjO3V2qnT8bHhFxQmjI3AefOmGnUvLZrM5I6KUgDLpap_OMXF9lZ3D2G5WJSZM011RqIMty7pw3vDoCKQgeT-fBrruqo0g76Y0PDX0B-j4xz8J25zi0nzq7Kw1-8Hc1bhRdsX7_wvHYT7UvgKaifubeFKA&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

[8][0]=AZWV-AlTcpmH2TH8SViDAdLI6O659CvuI2kA6igzGCiCea-wusG9B_Zgh5V5LV3MBUNuyV8hVvh3eQoe_34WWp4PPmR6747T0UfueS5CUS3ouYi-69DgiaQ8qSWdeE0OOehWc_TFsV_rb7jw-8lhUpWfLpRlVkqaeKoYHrbCfQ9VsNexWwDqfVzOl4HXQO_W2Kg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R ;

[9] ISW data available on request.



[12][0]=AZUAwQqhSnkOp8g_jP42p4EY5ZL2KcCHbB8THJbKWOazxbCSXE7CTa1KNh8m1ta4SZBdS0U7K_LLQZwSs1rWtHPYzRjSDMVyIclcZ3MhGcSXzmThxJewaQ9d4V1zSzJ3mUvfKbQg-FbqdYmX4HBaKBObyz4SMMZ2UYOTeOv2BmLREEsg1V38GjpK-ODVOJvaW9A&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R ;


[14] https://deirezzor24 dot net/en/the-iranian-revolutionary-guard-militia-relocates-a-huge-number-of-its-elements-outside-deir-ezzor/

[15] https://eyeofeuphrates dot com/ar/news/2023/09/07/9616


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