Iraq Situation Report: April 30-May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015 - Sinan AdnanThe Iraqi government has yet to launch major operations in Anbar. Meanwhile, ISIS is increasing the rate of its terrorist attacks in the capital.
The Iraqi government has yet to launch major operations in Anbar. Meanwhile, ISIS is increasing the rate of its terrorist attacks in the capital.
ISW has changed the status of the border crossings at al-Waleed and Trebil to under watch.
Russian-backed separatists intensified attacks on Ukrainian forces for the third week in a row, signaling their complete aband
Jabhat al-Nusra (JN) and rebel forces seized control of the Nasib border crossing with Jordan in Dera’a Province on April 2, 2
The Assad regime is not positioned to secure an outright military victory in 2015. Manpower limitations have led Assad to adopt a military strategy of an ‘army in all corners’ which involves the establishment and defense of remote regime outposts throughout Syria in order to pin the outer bounds of a contiguous post-war Syrian state.
A provision in the House Armed Services Committee draft Defense Authorization Bill has generated negative reactions in Iraq.
Anti-Assad forces expand territorial control in Idlib
Russian-backed separatist forces are on the brink of a renewed offensive in eastern Ukraine.
Prime Minister (PM) Haidar al-Abadi and Defense Minister Khalid al-Ubaidi have come under increasing pressure over the last three days.
In the past few months, Afghanistan has become an attractive arena for the spread of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS.