Global News Alert - February 25, 2010

February 24, 2010 Global News Alert                    February 26, 2010 Global News Alert


Wall Street Journal - Flag Raised, Marjah Reaches Tipping Point, by Michael Phillips

Associated Press - Afghan Government Claims Taliban Stronghold, by Alfred de Montesquiou

Washington Post - Officials Puzzle Over Millions of Dollars Leaving Afghanistan by Plane for Dubai, by Andrew Higgins

Times Online - NATO Admits that Deaths of 8 Boys Were a Mistake, by Jerome Starkey

Times Online - Night Raids Violate Afghans' Deepest Moral Code, by Tom Coghlan

RFE/RL - UN Chief Details Recruiting Problems



Christian Science Monitor - Half of Afghanistan Taliban Leadership Arrested in Pakistan, by Anand Gopal

Associated Press - Pakistani Officials: Nearly 15 Top Taliban Held, by Deb Riechmann and Munir Ahmad

BBC News - What Lies Behind Pakistan's Taliban Arrests? by Ilyas Khan

New York Times - CIA and Pakistan Work Together, but Do So Warily, by Mark Mazzetta and Jane Perlez

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Offers Taliban Official to Afghans, by Zahid Hussain

Reuters - Pakistan to Hand Over Taliban No 2 Says Afghanistan, by Sayed Salahuddin

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Sells Arms to South Asian Rivals, by Yochi Dreazen and Amol Sharma

LA Times - India-Pakistan Talks are First Since Mumbai Attacks, by Mark Magnier



Associated Press - Sunni Leader Decides to Take Part in Iraqi Election, by Qassim Abul-Zahra

RFE/RL - Prominent Iraqi Sunni Ends Party's Poll Boycott

New York Times - Barbershop Politics in Baghdad, by Steven Lee Myers

New York Times - In an Iraqi City, the Real Ballot Contest Is for Shiite Leadership, by Anthony Shadid




Associated Press - Turkey's Leaders, Military Try to Calm Tensions, by Selcan Hacaoglu


Washington Post - In Kazakhstan, the Race for Uranium Goes Nuclear, by Philip Pan


Christian Science Monitor - Darfur Conflict Flares after Sudan President Bashir Declares War Over, by Kristen Chick

Reuters - Darfur Rebels Say Attacked by Army, War not Over, by Andrew Heavens


Times Online - Yanukovych Sworn in as President and Hits Out at Orange Revolution, by Tony Halpin


New York Times - Putin Questions Dealings of Russia Oligarchs, by Andrew Kramer

Falkland Islands

Times Online - US Refuses to Endores British Sovereignty in Falklands Oil Dispute, by Giles Whittel and James Bone

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