Iraq's Post-Withdrawal Crisis, Update 6
Jan 27, 2012 - Ramzy Mardini
January 20-27, 2012. Iraqiyya Contemplates Next Move, Turkey-Iraq Rift Continues, National Conference Initiative Loses Momentum.
January 20-27, 2012. Iraqiyya Contemplates Next Move, Turkey-Iraq Rift Continues, National Conference Initiative Loses Momentum.
Last week, a troubling political crisis emerged in Baghdad that has placed Iraq on a worrisome path that could potentially unravel and threaten its stability.
The Obama administration had three years to push Iraqis toward genuine national reconciliation, the most critical component in securing a stable Iraq over the long term. The White House failed to leave behind a representative government that respects the concept of power-sharing and the rule of law under the Iraqi Constitution. Instead, the central government headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is riddled with sectarian and authoritarian elements that were bound to capitalize and expand after the departure of U.S. forces from Iraq.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s meeting with President Obama is supposed to be an occasion to declare the successful end of the war in Iraq...Read More
The geographical locations of Multi-National Force - Iraq units from December 2009 to July 2011.
Relations have reached new lows in Iraq as tensions escalated between Prime Minister Maliki’s State of Law coalition & former Prime Minister Allawi’s Iraqiyya bloc.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates was in Baghdad last week on what was probably his last official trip to the country he helped save from devastating sectarian war.
On March 28 more than 3 months after the government seating, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki submitted the names of the nominees for Ministers of Defense & Interior to the parliament for approval.
Marisa Cochrane Sullivan visits Happening Now to discuss Vice President Biden's recent visit to Iraq and the upcoming troop drawdown.