For Mullah Omar, This Eid is Different
Dec 7, 2011 - Anonymous
Every year, for the past several years, the Taliban’s senior leader, Mullah Omar, has issued a statement to the Afghan people commemorating the holiday.
Every year, for the past several years, the Taliban’s senior leader, Mullah Omar, has issued a statement to the Afghan people commemorating the holiday.
On Monday, over 1,000 delegates from over 90 nations and organizations will meet in Bonn, Germany to discuss the future of Afghanistan.
President Hamid Karzai convened a meeting last week of over 2,000 Afghans to participate in a four-day traditional jirga in Kabul.
During a Senate Armed Services hearing yesterday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike alleged what many of us have believed for some time...
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WASHINGTON — They are the Sopranos of the Afghanistan war, a ruthless crime family that built an empire out of kidnapping, extortion, smuggling, even trucking. They have trafficked in precious gems, stolen lumber and demanded protection money from businesses building roads and schools with American reconstruction funds. Read the entire article
Nearly 700 Afghans took to the streets and threatened to block off roads in Kabul last week to protest a recent ruling by the Independent Election Commission.
The insurgency in Afghanistan’s eastern region is likely to benefit from the Pakistani military’s new military operations in Kurram Agency.
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is on the brink of a constitutional crisis with no clear solution.