Afghan Government

Opinion: Thoughts on Today’s Armed Services Committee Hearing with Gen. Allen

The Weekly Standard
Date Published: 
2012-03-20 00:00:00

In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee today, General John Allen said the mission in Afghanistan remains on track, despite the infamous Quran burnings and last week’s civilian casualty incident.

The Afghan Response to the 2012 Koran Burning Incident

Protests emerged in stages across small regions of Afghanistan following the accidental burning of Islamic religious texts at Bagram Airfield on February 20, 2012. Most of the protests are not spontaneous or self-organizing outbursts of anti-Americanism, but rather organized violence orchestrated by insurgent groups, Iran, & Afghan political factions aiming to harm their rivals.

Afghan Government Will Not Accept Secondary Role in Talks with Taliban

On January 3, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid announced his group planned to establish an office in Doha, Qatar to pursue negotiations with the United States and its allies. This potential step toward restarting the peace process in Afghanistan offers an opportunity for domestic and international players to identify...
