Battlefield Update: Task Force Dreadnaught in Maiwand District, Kandahar
Jan 23, 2012 - Anonymous
This report provides an update on ISAF operations in Maiwand district of Kandahar Province, primarily during the latter half of 2011.
This report provides an update on ISAF operations in Maiwand district of Kandahar Province, primarily during the latter half of 2011.
Last Saturday, May 7, dozens of heavily-armed Taliban fighters engaged Afghan security forces and brought Kandahar City’s urban center to a standstill for over 30 hours.
In the pre-dawn hours of Monday, 25 April, nearly 500 imprisoned insurgents escaped from Kandahar’s central prison through a 1,200 foot tunnel dug by the Taliban.
This map originally appeared in Afghanistan Report #7: Counterinsurgency in Kandahar - Evaluating the 2010 Hamkari Campaign.
This map originally appeared in Afghanistan Report #7: Counterinsurgency in Kandahar - Evaluating the 2010 Hamkari Campaign.
This map originally appeared in Afghanistan Report #7: Counterinsurgency in Kandahar - Evaluating the 2010 Hamkari Campaign.
This map originally appeared in Afghanistan Report #7: Counterinsurgency in Kandahar - Evaluating the 2010 Hamkari Campaign.
This map originally appeared in Afghanistan Report #7: Counterinsurgency in Kandahar - Evaluating the 2010 Hamkari Campaign.