Weekly Iraq Update #41
Oct 11, 2012 - Sam Wyer, Stephen Wicken
October 3, 2012-October 11, 2012- Iraq confirms massive arms deal with Russia, Iraq accused of shipping fuel oil to Syria.
October 3, 2012-October 11, 2012- Iraq confirms massive arms deal with Russia, Iraq accused of shipping fuel oil to Syria.
The unilateral moves taken by Maliki’s Shi’a-dominated government against the public faces of Iraq’s Sunni community were unprecedented, sparking a new political crisis that has put the country’s long-term unity and stability at risk. Given the number of red-lines crossed by the government, Iraq has entered a new era of post-Saddam politics.
As US forces in Iraq transition from a combat role to an overwatch role, Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) will take on an increasingly important role in the provision of security for the Iraqi people.