
Iraq Situation Report: June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014 -

ISIS is pursuing objectives closer to Baghdad, attacking Balad Airbase while maneuvering around the facility. This will impede the ability of IA Aviation to support isolated ISF contingents. ISIS most likely activated a contingent previously placed in the vicinity of Balad. If successful, ISIS could gain important military and aviation assets at the base. ISIS is consolidating gains in the north by attacking Shi’a Turkmen villages and seizing natural gas fields.  

Iraq Situation Report: June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014 -
The ISF is redeploying in order to halt ISIS advances from the Anbar desert towards the holy city of Karbala as well as southern Iraq. However, ISIS has other lines of advance to southern Iraq, including its positions in northern Babil Province.

Control of Terrain in Iraq: June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014 -

ISF and possible Iraq Shi'a militias cleared Udhaim in Diyala province. Nukhaib in Anbar province is important given the possibility of an ISIS push towards southern Iraq. 

Iraq Situation Report: June 22-23, 2014

June 23, 2014 -

ISIS has not culminated. ISIS has shifted its efforts toward western Iraq, and the fall of border crossings in Anbar to ISIS is a sign of the further collapse of the Iraqi state.

Control of Terrain in Iraq: June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 -
Tal Afar, in Ninewa province, is under ISIS control. Sadia, in Diyala province, is currently contested with ISIS involved in separate engagements with both the Peshmerga and other armed groups. The Trebil border crossing in Anbar is out of government control and now likely under the control of tribal elements or ISIS. Alam, in Salah ad-Din province, is contested between ISIS and anti-ISIS tribal elements.  

Iraq Situation Report: June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014 -

ISIS took control of Rawa and Ana to block the ISF's freedom of movement in Anbar. The ISF will likely deploy Iraqi Shi'a militias to slow ISIS' advance. The Sadrist parade is a major show of force as the Sadrists position themselves as defenders of the Iraqi Shi’a. ISIS and JRTN have violently clashed in pockets of terrain in northern Iraq.

Control of Terrain in Iraq: June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014 -

The towns of Rawa and Ana are under ISIS control. Khanaqin is now controlled by the Peshmerga.

Control of Terrain in Iraq: June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014 -

The situation in Qaim is fluid. As of 2000 Iraq time, ISW assesses that Qaim remains contested between ISIS and the IA.

Iraq Situation Report: June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014 -

ISIS aims to take control of the Al Qaim border crossing in Anbar. Tal Afar, Baiji, and Muqdadiyah remain key front lines against ISIS' advance.


Control of Terrain in Iraq: June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014 -
Sunni insurgents and JRTN are also claiming offensives in the contested zones. Shi’a militias are active in Samarra, Diyala, and the southern Baghdad Belts.
